20 Aug 2024
 | 20 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).

Developments on a 22GHz Microwave Radiometer and Reprocessing of 13-Year Time Series for Water Vapour Studies

Alistair Bell, Eric Sauvageat, Gunter Stober, Klemens Hocke, and Axel Murk

Abstract. Long-term observations of water vapour in the middle atmosphere are important for climate studies and predictions, chemical and dynamical process studies, as well as modelling certain weather events with implications for surface conditions. Measurements from an instrument making middle atmosphere water vapour observations near Bern, Switzerland- named MIAWARA- have been completely reprocessed since 2010. This has comprised of a new calibration which has been integrated into the framework for the calibration of other University of Bern radiometers, and a new retrieval algorithm. The installation of a new spectrometer on the instrument has also allowed the comparison and correction of past observations. We present these corrected measurements and their subsequent analysis against data from Aura MLS. The comparison shows that the corrected spectra yield more consistent values of water vapour mixing ratio between MIAWARA and Aura MLS, with a lower standard deviation of differences at all heights, and a reduced bias between the two instruments at pressure (height) levels below (above) 0.3 hPa.

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Alistair Bell, Eric Sauvageat, Gunter Stober, Klemens Hocke, and Axel Murk

Status: open (until 25 Sep 2024)

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Alistair Bell, Eric Sauvageat, Gunter Stober, Klemens Hocke, and Axel Murk
Alistair Bell, Eric Sauvageat, Gunter Stober, Klemens Hocke, and Axel Murk


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Short summary
Hardware and software developments have been made on a 22 GHz microwave radiometer for the measurement of middle atmosphere water vapour near Bern, Switzerland. Previous measurements dating back to 2010 have been re-calibrated and an improved optimal estimation retrieval performed on these measurements, giving a 13 year long dataset. Measurements made with new and improved instrumental hardware are used to correct previous measurements, which show better agreement than the non-corrected dataset.