16 Oct 2024
 | 16 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

FZStats v1.0: a raster statistics toolbox for simultaneous management of spatial stratified heterogeneity and positional dependence in Python

Na Ren, Daojun Zhang, and Qiuming Cheng

Abstract. Based on the traditional Focal Statistics and Zonal Statistics tools of mainstream GIS software, we developed a raster statistics toolbox named FZStats v1.0 using Python3 and QT5. The main contributions of this study are as follows. Firstly, the development of a specialized spatial analysis toolset designed to comprehensively address stratified heterogeneity, positional dependence, and their combinations, thereby addressing gaps in existing Focal and Zonal methods that individually tackle stratified heterogeneity and positional dependence problems. Secondly, our toolset features a user-friendly interface and structure, integrates both existing and enhanced spatial statistical methods, supports multi-processing and batch processing capabilities, and provides users with the flexibility to select calculation methods tailored to their computer configurations and application requirements. Thirdly, the newly proposed Focal-Zonal Mixed Statistics method demonstrates superior predictive accuracy compared to the traditional Focal Statistics and Zonal Statistics methods in geothermal detection, which preliminarily showcases the advantages of this new approach. Additionally, we discussed the advantages, robustness, and advancements of the Focal-Zonal Mixed Statistics method, concluding that the development of this new method and toolset is necessary and holds substantial potential for applications across diverse fields.

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Na Ren, Daojun Zhang, and Qiuming Cheng

Status: open (until 11 Dec 2024)

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Na Ren, Daojun Zhang, and Qiuming Cheng
Na Ren, Daojun Zhang, and Qiuming Cheng


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Short summary
While Focal Statistics and Zonal Statistics deal with Spatial Position Dependence (SPD) and Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity (SSH) separately, the developed Focal-Zonal Mixed Statistics can handle both simultaneously. This new tool has the potential to become a general statistics tool. The integrated FZStats v1.0 toolbox in this study includes all three models mentioned above, providing new methodological support for understanding and addressing spatial statistical issues.