02 Sep 2024
 | 02 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Advancing interpretation of incoherent scattering in ice penetrating radar data used for ice core site selection

Ellen Lucinda Mutter and Nicholas Holschuh

Abstract. Below the coherent layering in ice penetrating radar data collected in Antarctica and Greenland, incoherent scattering is common. This scattering is signal, not noise, and has the potential to inform our understanding of the structure and dynamics of the bottom 20 % of glaciers and ice sheets. Here, we present a comparison between radar imagery and ice core properties for sixteen ice core sites across Antarctica and Greenland, to identify possible sources for incoherent scattering and evaluate its use in ice core site selection. We find that incoherent scattering is commonly coincident with either gradual changes in crystal orientation fabric or rapidly fluctuating fabrics in deep ice, where strain is localized by strength differences associated with ice grain size. Macro-scale deformation and layer folding at scales below the range-resolution of radar does not seem to result in incoherent scattering or induce an echo free zone, as has been previously hypothesized. Where incoherent scattering is laterally homogeneous in intensity, layering is typically undisturbed in nearby ice cores. But where incoherent scattering is laterally heterogeneous in intensity and the trace of intensity maxima does not appear conformal with subglacial topography, we find multi-meter-scale folding and associated discontinuities in nearby ice core records. Future, higher-resolution sampling of fabric in ice cores would allow for more quantitative interpretation of incoherent scattering and its amplitude, but we show that the qualitative nature of incoherent scattering has the potential to inform us about the continuity of climate records at prospective ice core sites and should be considered when evaluating the nature and quality of basal ice.

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Ellen Lucinda Mutter and Nicholas Holschuh

Status: open (until 14 Oct 2024)

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Ellen Lucinda Mutter and Nicholas Holschuh
Ellen Lucinda Mutter and Nicholas Holschuh


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Short summary
“Ice Penetrating Radar” is a technology that lets us see through ice sheets, capturing their organized, layered structure. But near the ice bottom, radar data are much more complicated, with signals that are disordered and often ignored. Here, we work to better understand these complex signals by comparing radar data to measurements of ice structure from ice cores. We show these signals reflect structural changes in the ice itself, and can inform our search for ancient climate records.