18 Sep 2024
 | 18 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).

Ice crystal images from optical array probes. Compatibility of morphology specific size distributions, retrieved with specific and global Convolutional Neural Networks for HVPS, PIP, CIP, and 2DS

Louis Jaffeux, Jan Breiner, Pierre Coutris, and Alfons Schwarzenböck

Abstract. The convolutional network methodology is applied to train classification tools for hydrometeor images from optical array probes. Two models were developed in a previous article for the PIP and 2DS and are further tested. Three additional models are presented: for the CIP, HVPS, and a global model trained on a data set that includes all available data from all four instruments. A methodology to retrieve morphology-specific size distributions from the OAP data is provided. Size distributions for each morphological class, obtained with the specific or global classification models, are compared for the ICE GENESIS data set, where all four probes were used simultaneously. The reliability and coherence of these newly obtained machine learning classification tools are demonstrated clearly. The analysis shows significant advantages of using the global model over the specific ones, in terms of compatibility of the size distributions. The obtained morphology-specific size distributions effectively reduce OAP data to a level of detail pertinent to systematically identify microphysical processes. This study emphasizes the potential to improve insights in ice and mixed-phase microphysics based on hydrometeor morphological classification from machine learning algorithms.

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Louis Jaffeux, Jan Breiner, Pierre Coutris, and Alfons Schwarzenböck

Status: open (until 23 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Louis Jaffeux, Jan Breiner, Pierre Coutris, and Alfons Schwarzenböck

Data sets

Public GitHub repository with data sets, codes, and trained CNN models Louis Jaffeux

Louis Jaffeux, Jan Breiner, Pierre Coutris, and Alfons Schwarzenböck


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Short summary
Airborne cloud observation relies on high frequency black and white image information. The study presents automatic shape recognition tools developed with machine learning techniques and adapted for this type of images. Applied on a recent field campaign, these tools are compared across four instruments that cover different size ranges. The analysis show that the tools are performing well and are consistent across the different instruments.