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A Novel Transformation of the Ice Sheet Stokes Equations and Some of its Properties and Applications
Abstract. A full-Stokes model provides the most accurate but also the most expensive representation of ice sheet dynamics. The Blatter-Pattyn model is a widely used less expensive approximation that is valid for ice sheets characterized by a small aspect ratio. Here we introduce a novel transformation of the Stokes equations into a form that closely resembles the Blatter-Pattyn equations. The transformed exact Stokes equations only differ from the approximate Blatter-Pattyn equations by a few additional terms, while their variational formulations differ only by the presence of a single term in each horizontal direction (one term in 2D and two terms in 3D). Specifically, the variational formulations differ only by the absence (or the neglect) of the vertical velocity in the second invariant of the strain rate tensor in the Blatter-Pattyn model when compared to the Stokes case. Here we make use of the new transformation in two different ways. First, we consider incorporating the transformed equations into a code that can be very easily converted from a Stokes to a Blatter-Pattyn model, and vice-versa, simply by switching these terms on or off. This may be generalized so that the Stokes model is switched on adaptively only where the Blatter-Pattyn model loses accuracy, hopefully retaining most of the accuracy of the Stokes model but at a lower cost. Second, the key role played by the vertical velocity in converting the transformed Stokes model into the Blatter-Pattyn model motivates new approximations that improve on the Blatter-Pattyn model, heretofore the best approximate ice sheet model. These applications require the use of a grid that enables the discrete continuity equation to be invertible for the vertical velocity in terms of the horizontal velocity components. Examples of such grids, such as the first-order P1-E0 grid and the second-order P2-E1 grid are given in both 2D and 3D. It should be noted, however, that the transformed Stokes model has the same type of gravity forcing as the Blatter-Pattyn model, i.e., determined by the slope of the ice sheet's upper surface, thereby forgoing some of the grid-generality of the traditional formulation of the Stokes model. This is not a serious disadvantage, however, since in practice it has not impaired the widespread use of the Blatter-Pattyn model.
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Status: final response (author comments only)
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1052', Ed Bueler, 08 Jul 2024
Summary: Â This paper rewrites the standard glaciological (Glen law) Stokes model in a form which resembles a shallow approximation, the Blatter-Pattyn (BP) model. Â This expresses the saddle-point structure of the Stokes problem in a form close to the unconstrained-optimization form of the BP model. The stability and finite element (FE) analysis of the new form is addressed, and new mixed FE pairs for vertically-extruded meshes are propsed. Â Small-scale experiments are presented, and then prospective applications at larger scale are discussed. Â The resulting essentially-theoretical paper is both frustrating and promising. Â The manuscript's current form is notably inefficient, with 1500 lines of text. Â The presentation is likely to be hard to read for those who have not already done battle with BP equations and related technical matters. Â Despite doing numerical experiments, the author provides no open-source code basis for further development by readers, a clear demerit in 2024. Â The manuscript avoids the function-space understanding of the Stokes and BP problems---this is the viewpoint from which these problems are known to be well-posed and by which they are solved by mainstream finite element libraries---but then it labors to build a fragmented substitute for this viewpoint. Â Despite these flaws, the paper illuminates important matters. Â It shows how the (transformed) Stokes equations are close to an "extended Blatter-Pattyn" (EBP) form, and thereby how the solvability conditions of the Stokes model work in practice over vertically-extruded meshes. Â The EBP model has similar numerical and stability issues as the Stokes problem, which is actually clarifying because the numerical and FE character of the standard BP and Stokes models otherwise appear very different. Â The inf-sup stability of the mixed Stokes problem is recognized here, when the mesh is extruded and when one simultaneously wants the EBP model to be solvable on the same mesh, as the requirement of unique solvability of the continuity (incompressibility) equation for the vertical velocity from the horizontal velocity. Â A necessary condition for this to work is that the number of vertical velocity and pressure unknowns must be exactly the same, or rather that a particular matrix in the blockwise form of the discrete equations must be invertible.
Recommendation: Â A manuscript which made the same points in half the length, and which provided open source code in a widely-used language, facilitating further development, would be an excellent paper. Â Of course it is not realistic to expect re-coding at that level. Â However, significant revisions should be attempted. Â A much-shortened abstract is offered below, along with several other suggestions for trimming.
Specific Comments on Manuscriptlines 9-35: Â This long abstract could be halved without losing meaning, by removing the sales pitches and by other simple edits. Â However, changes are also needed to clearly identify the models (systems) under consideration. Â The following is a guess/suggestion for an abstract which meets these objectives. Â It has 191 words vs 371 in the original: Â """We introduce a novel transformation of the Stokes equations into a form that resembles the shallow Blatter-Pattyn (BP) equations. Â The two forms only differ by a few additional terms, and the variational formulations differ only by a single term in each horizontal direction, but the BP form also lacks the vertical velocity in the second invariant of the strain rate tensor. Â The transformed Stokes model has the same type of gravity forcing as the BP model, determined by the ice surface slope. Â An apparently intermediate "extended Blatter-Pattyn" (EBP) form is identified, which is actually the same as the standard BP model although it retains a pressure variable. Â The role played by the vertical velocity in the transformed Stokes and EBP forms, reflected in the block-wise structure of their discrete equations, motivates the construction of new finite element velocity/pressure pairs for vertically-extruded meshes. Â With these new pairs, examples of which are demonstrated in 2D and 3D, the discrete continuity equation can be uniquely and stably inverted for the vertical velocity. Â We describe how to incorporate the new forms into codes that adaptively switch between Stokes and BP models, where the latter would lose accuracy."""
line 41: "full" is unnecessary.
line 52-72: Â The style of glaciology, used at unnecessary length in these lines, says some models are shallow and some are higher order. Â It is more accurate to say all are shallow, and to not claim some are "higher-order" because the order depends on which scaling argument is use.
line 99: Â "THE LOWER BOUNDARY OF an ice sheet ...". Â (A 3D ice sheet can't be divided the way the text says.)
lines 103-105: Â This "vertical line of sight" phrase appears here and later. Â Surely one can just say: "We assume the glacier's geometry is described by an upper surface function z_s(x,y) and a lower surface function z_b(x,y)."
lines 105-106: Â There is nothing about the rest of the paper, in my reading, that excludes the techniques being used for floating ice. Â (Put f_i=0 in equation (11)?) Â It is true that there must be sufficient drag--see the inequality in Schoof (2006)--*somewhere at the base* so that the velocity field is unique, but the techniques apply across grounding lines.
lines 112--126 Â Briefer notation is surely possible.
line 149: Â "positive-definite" --> "nonnegative"
line 178-180: Â Whether or not the surface kinematical equations can be added "easily", the way this is said here is silly. Â The whole paper assumes fixed ice geometry.
lines 192-195: Â I don't know what this means. Â "There are some stress boundary conditions and it is easier for the author to think about them in the variational formulation."? Â No need for this?
lines 197-200: Â No need for this.
lines 204-209: Â Is this option ever used later in the paper? Â (Line 233 suggests not.) Â If not, it can be removed and replaced with a simple declaration that the boundary conditions can be weakly imposed if desired.
lines 238-252: Â This is a valuable observation, namely form (17) which shows ~P solves a trivialized problem. Â If this observation is original, then great. Â Otherwise cite it more clearly; did it appear in DPL 2010? Â (The nearby citations to DPL do not refer to this main idea as far as I can tell.)
Figure 2: Â This basic point is greatly appreciated: Â The deviation from hydrostatic is relatively small. Â However, in this and almost all figures, the fonts are too small! Â (Also these figures are bad on a monochrome printer, but I suppose that train has left ...)
line 282: Â I don't think (22) is actually used *here*.
around line 282: Â Warn the reader that "dummy variables" ("flag variables"?) are about to be used. Â As the text is written, they are finally explained on the next page.
lines 286 and onward: Â I find "modified" really unpleasant here. Â For (25) the tensor ~\tau_ij is actually modified; it is not equal to the original. Â But in (26) the tensor is merely rewritten; neither "modified" nor the tilde have the same meaning as they do in the equation above. Â Similarly (27) and (28) are not "modified" but merely rewritten, as far as I can tell. Â I therefore would not say "modified" or add a tilde; just write out the new form. Â Equality means equality.
line 325: "implies the use of" --> "uses"
lines 327-336: Â This is a rambling paragraph that can be shortened to something like "As noted earlier we require the upper and lower surfaces of the glacier to be functions of the horizontal coordinates x,y. Â That is, as expected in glacier modeling, overhangs are not permitted."
line 344-348: Â Repetitive. Â Say *once* (earlier, presumably) that one could impose boundary conditions weakly, and that you won't do that.
line 360: Â Help the reader by referencing/comparing (23).
lines 361 and 404: Â Separate these into 2 displays. Â (Or better, just be more efficient. Â Use vector notation?)
lines 437-439: Â This use of the continuity equation is completely mainstream in glaciology. Â It applies in all shallow theories including BP. Â (And the current manuscript illuminates it!) Â Please say this some other way.
lines 459-460: Â Again, deriving FE discretizations from variational principles is the normal way to do business. Â Why "except"?
line 475: Â There is no reason to use capital "U" here, and it is a source of confusion because capital U is used shortly in subscripts with a different meaning.
line 495: Â "u, w, AND M_{UP}, M_{WP}"
Section 4.3: Â This section needs editing most. Â The main point of the entire paper is made in subsection 4.3.3, I believe. Â Roughly-speaking the main point is that, for the transformed Stokes or EBP equations, the block M_{WP} must be invertible, thus square, when an extruded mesh with z-aligned cells is used. Â This point is buried after laborious and repetitive text. Â The main point of the paper *does* require a block-wise presentation of the Newton step equations, so the text will necessarily be somewhat technical, but it doesn't have to bury the main idea. Â There would seem to be no reason not to start a section with (47) and (48); the notation here is obvious. Â In any case, this reader had to get 600 lines into the document before getting to the key lines (roughly starting at line 596), and only then have an "oh ... that is what he is trying to say ..." moment.
lines 596-600: Â The main point of the paper, right? Â Which this reader appreciates! Â The blockwise form of the EBP model is therefore the central object of the paper, and could be put much earlier and more prominently.
lines 616-618: Â I would not permit my undergrad linear algebra students to say what is said here. Â The necessary condition is that *M_{WP} must be non-singular*, from which it *follows logically* that it must be square. Â The text literally says that non-singularity is "in addition" to squareness, thereby asserting that square matrices are invertible! Â (Line 1521 is worse.) Â Equation (56) could instead say "M_{WP} is non-singular"; one is allowed to put text in displayed LaTeX equations.
Section 5: Â I think the paper would be improved by removing this section. Â I understand that the transformed Stokes model is the same as the Stokes model, and the EBP model is the same as the BP model. Â So recapitulating the ISMIP-HOM purpose, which is (I suppose) to examine how close BP results are to Stokes results, should not come out any differently here, and thus it is not worth doing. Â Of course it is true that different numerical approaches generate different results in detail. Â But what exactly should the reader know about this numerical comparison? Â Can this be summarized in a sentence or two?
lines 778-780: Â For efficiency I assume that BP is first used everywhere, then some criteria is applied, and then Stokes is used where the criteria applies. Â But do you want to demonstrate that the Stokes calculation everywhere gives the nearly same criteria-satisfying region?
line 785: Â Is the "counterintuitive" aspect of this explained by noting that the effective viscosity is often actually largest in the top of the ice column, which implies the greatest longitudinal and bridging stress transmission up there? Â I often find that visualizing the effective viscosity, in these shear-thinning flows, illuminates where stresses de-localize the problem.
line 811-813: Â It is not the personal computer etc. which stops an analysis of the cost savings, but rather the lack of a performance model for the solver. Â This could be added, but it requires a bit of thinking.
Subsection 6.2 and Section 7: Â This seems like tedious overkill. Â If a reader gets the main points of the paper then they can probably imagine lagging the Newton iteration and/or dual grids and/or higher order. Â In any case, another 300 lines are burned before the summary. Â If these are important enough then they could be a separate paper? Â Otherwise most readers won't have the endurance; really I don't.
Section 8 (Summary): Â Too long.
Appendix A-C: Â On and on.
Appendix D: Â The manipulations shown in (79) and (80) are again very close to the main novel point of the paper. Â I see no reason why they can't be written into a new and prominent form which makes subsubsection 4.3.3 into the central material.
line 1521: Â Again, please don't say that all square matrices are invertible. Â (Literally the text says "the solvability condition [n_u=n_p] implies the invertibility of M_{WP}". Â Just no.)
Citation: - AC1: 'Reply to RC1', John Dukowicz, 31 Aug 2024
RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-1052', Christian Schoof, 07 Aug 2024
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
- AC2: 'Reply to RC2', John Dukowicz, 31 Aug 2024
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