Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities During Intense geomagnetic storms of Solar Cycle 25
Abstract. This study aims to characterize several key aspects of the ionosphere during intense geomagnetic storms that occurred on March 23–25, 2023, April 23–25, 2023, November 4–7, 2023 and May 10–13, 2024 during the ascending phase of Solar Cycle 25 (SC25). We are especially interested to study the role of asymmetric Joule Heating (JH) in the structuring of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA), such as double crest, single crest, or merged, which may lead to the formation or suppression of post-sunset ionospheric plasma irregularities. For this purpose, we use the Weimer 2005 Model simulations to analyze the JH patterns during the four strong geomagnetic storms, and Madrigal TEC maps are used to observe changes in the intensity, location, and symmetry of the EIA during these disruptive times. Equatorial/low-latitude ionospheric plasma irregularities at different longitudes under geomagnetically disturbed conditions are studied using the Rate of Change TEC Index (ROTI), which is calculated from GPS receiver measurements. A strong JH is observed during the May 2024 storm (also known as the Mother's Day storm) during its main phase, which occurs after sunset between 18:00 and 00:00 UT. The other storms have the JH strength in the following order from strong to weak: March 2023, April 2023, and November 2023. Besides inter-hemispheric asymmetry, all the storms show stronger variation in the JH patterns. We conclude that the resulting change in the thermospheric winds and electric fields due to storm conditions alter the EIA structures. It has been found that the generation of ionospheric plasma irregularities and their geographical distribution strongly depend on EIA's density gradients and general structure. For instance, it is noticed that the double crest EIA structures with strong plasma density gradients play important role to the generation of post sunset ionospheric plasma irregularities during the main phases of these geomagnetic storms. On the other hand, the single crest or merged EIA structure comprise of a diffuse region of high electron density centered directly over the equator, without a pronounced trough, as observed during the storm of November 2023. The single crest EIA exhibit nearly uniform plasma density distribution do not favor the generation of ionospheric plasma irregularities. The role of storm-time penetrating electric field in the structuring and seeding of ionospheric plasma irregularities has been investigated. The research will contribute to our understanding of the basic physics of the ionosphere, especially the mechanisms governing the development and evolution of the EIA and ionospheric plasma irregularities under various magnetically disturbed conditions.