30 Jan 2025
 | 30 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).

Previous integrated or organic farming affects productivity and ecosystem N balance rather than fertilizer 15N allocation to plants and soil, leaching, or gaseous emissions (NH3, N2O, and N2)

Fawad Khan, Samuel Franco Luesma, Frederik Hartmann, Michael Dannenmann, Rainer Gasche, Clemens Scheer, Andreas Gattinger, Wiebke Niether, Elizabeth Gachibu Wangari, Ricky Mwangada Mwanake, Ralf Kiese, and Benjamin Wolf

Abstract. Legumes in crop rotations are considered an ecological intensification management practice to reduce nitrogen (N) losses to the environment. However, studies on N allocation and loss on adjacent sites with the same pedoclimatic conditions but different management histories, i.e. organic farming (OF) with frequent legume cultivation and occasional organic fertilizer input, compared to integrated farming (IF) with synthetic and organic fertilizers, have remained scarce. Here, we quantified field N losses (ammonia, nitrous oxide, dinitrogen, and nitrate leaching), total N balances, and 15N labelled cattle slurry allocation to soil and plants of two adjacent sites over a two-years cropping sequence. While IF had resulted in significantly higher pH and soil organic carbon and N content, the emissions of ammonia, nitrous oxide and dinitrogen after cattle slurry application as well as nitrate leaching were not significantly different across the two farming techniques. Ammonia losses were low for all cultivation periods, indicating that drag hose application and manure incorporation successfully mitigates ammonia emissions. High 15N fertilizer recovery in plants and soil, along with a low share of unrecovered 15N agreed well with the low directly measured N losses. On average, 15N recovery was lower for OF (85 % versus 93 % in IF), likely due to unaccounted N2 emissions which could only be measured within two weeks after fertilizer application, but the high spatial variability of 15N recovery may have turned this difference insignificant. Significantly higher harvest biomass N for IF demonstrated that management history affected productivity through increased soil organic matter mineralization. Due to the higher productivity, the cumulative N balance across all cultivation period was neutral within the limits of the measurement uncertainty for IF (-8 ± 15), indicating an optimized N management. For OF, the N balance across single cultivation period ranged from -19 to 41 kg N ha⁻¹, thus, the observations of a single cultivation period were inconclusive. The cumulative positive N balance (48 ± 14) across all cultivation periods for OF suggests that more frequent organic fertilizer additions could increase soil N (and carbon) stocks, and finally improve yield. However, the positive N balance, coupled with lower 15N recovery for OF, also points to a higher likelihood of unaccounted N losses, which would, in turn, slow down the accumulation of soil N and C over time.

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Fawad Khan, Samuel Franco Luesma, Frederik Hartmann, Michael Dannenmann, Rainer Gasche, Clemens Scheer, Andreas Gattinger, Wiebke Niether, Elizabeth Gachibu Wangari, Ricky Mwangada Mwanake, Ralf Kiese, and Benjamin Wolf

Status: open (until 13 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Fawad Khan, Samuel Franco Luesma, Frederik Hartmann, Michael Dannenmann, Rainer Gasche, Clemens Scheer, Andreas Gattinger, Wiebke Niether, Elizabeth Gachibu Wangari, Ricky Mwangada Mwanake, Ralf Kiese, and Benjamin Wolf
Fawad Khan, Samuel Franco Luesma, Frederik Hartmann, Michael Dannenmann, Rainer Gasche, Clemens Scheer, Andreas Gattinger, Wiebke Niether, Elizabeth Gachibu Wangari, Ricky Mwangada Mwanake, Ralf Kiese, and Benjamin Wolf


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Short summary
Crop rotations with legumes and use of organic and mineral fertilizers show potential to reduce agricultural N losses. This study examined N losses, including direct N2 flux, on two adjacent sites with different management history: organic farming (OF) with legume cultivation and integrated farming (IF) using synthetic and organic N inputs. IF increased soil organic carbon and nitrogen content, 15N recovery and showed a balanced N budget, i.e., more efficient N cycling compared to OF.