24 Jan 2025
 | 24 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Climate of the Past (CP).

Collapse of Deep-Sea Circulation during an Eocene Hyperthermal Hothouse – A DeepMIP Study with CESM1.2

Arne M. E. Winguth, Mikaela Brown, Pincelli Hull, Elizabeth Griffith, Christine Shields, Ellen Thomas, and Cornelia Winguth

Abstract. During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ~56 Ma), a rapid injection of greenhouse gases (with isotopically depleted carbon) into the atmosphere led to a ~5 °C global temperature rise, ocean acidification, and perturbation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we carried out a series of DeepMIP climate sensitivity experiments t using the Community Earth System Model CESM1.2 to evaluate how changes in the radiative forcing could have contributed to Eocene hyperthermal events. An atmospheric change from 3xCO2 relative to pre-industrial levels (PAL) equivalent during the latest Paleocene to 6xCO2 PAL in response to a carbon input pulse of 1680 PgC resulted in equatorial warming to 36.9 °C consistent with proxy estimates. The lower equator-to-pole temperature gradient in this 6xCO2 PAL scenario as compared to the pre-industrial experiment with 1x CO2 PAL is due to the lack of an ice sheet, the increase in greenhouse gases, and a lower cloud optical depth. The climate simulations suggest an intensified hydrological cycle with higher precipitation in the tropics, particularly over the Indian Eocene continent, and in mid-latitude. In contrast, mega-droughts are prominent in the subtropics, particularly in Africa and South America. Topographic effects such as the closure of the Drake Passage and the more southern location of Australia as well as a lower-than-present meridional temperature gradient contribute to a much weaker surface ocean circulation near the Antarctic continent, as compared to the current pronounced Antarctic Circumpolar Current. In response to the increase in greenhouse gas forcing to 6xCO2 PAL, deep water formation in the Southern Ocean nearly collapsed and changed from a southern-dominated deep-sea ventilation to a weak deep water formation in the North Atlantic Ocean and further to a polar collapse of deep water formation and a shallow haline-mode ventilation in the subtropics at 12xCO2 PAL. Bipolar convective overturning in the Pacific Ocean is not supported and remains uncertain, but southern component water mass formation in the Pacific Ocean has been simulated with 1x CO2 PAL. Increased stratification and reduced solubility of dissolved oxygen caused by warming may have contributed to lower abyssal dissolved oxygen concentrations and thus stresses on the marine ecosystem. However, decreased upwelling and productivity may have decreased the apparent oxygen utilization and thus could have increased the oxygen concentration in the twilight zone.

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Arne M. E. Winguth, Mikaela Brown, Pincelli Hull, Elizabeth Griffith, Christine Shields, Ellen Thomas, and Cornelia Winguth

Status: open (until 21 Mar 2025)

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Arne M. E. Winguth, Mikaela Brown, Pincelli Hull, Elizabeth Griffith, Christine Shields, Ellen Thomas, and Cornelia Winguth
Arne M. E. Winguth, Mikaela Brown, Pincelli Hull, Elizabeth Griffith, Christine Shields, Ellen Thomas, and Cornelia Winguth


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Short summary
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) about 56 million years ago is characterized by a rapid perturbation of the global carbon cycle. Comparison of sedimentary records with results from a comprehensive Earth system model suggest that environmental changes including benthic foraminifera extinction may have caused by a massive carbon input at the PETM and associate collapse of the ocean circulation due to the greenhouse-gas induced warming.