17 Jan 2025
 | 17 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS).

A novel European windstorm dataset based on ERA5 reanalysis from 1940 to present

Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Stefano Tibaldi, Leone Cavicchia, Enrico Scoccimarro, Pier Luigi Vidale, Kevin Hodges, Vivien Mavel, Mattia Almansi, Chiara Cagnazzo, and Samuel Almond

Abstract. In this work, we present and preliminarily evaluate a novel dataset of European windstorms associated with extratropical cyclones (ETCs) based on the whole ERA5 reanalysis period (1940–present). This dataset is produced within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Enhanced Operational Windstorm Service (EWS), to promote a knowledge-based assessment of the nature and temporal evolution of European windstorms associated with ETC. Such a dataset is primarily thought to provide high-quality, standardized data on windstorms that support various industries, particularly insurance and risk management, by offering insights into the intensity, density spatial patterns, and, if coupled downstream, with vulnerability and exposure information, the impact of windstorms. EWS includes two datasets: windstorm tracks, based on two tracking algorithms (TRACK and TempestExtremes), and windstorm footprints, produced considering both original-resolution ERA5 variables and statistically downscaled ERA5 variables, with a target grid at 1 km resolution. A preliminary analysis of the datasets shows increasing number of cold-semester windstorms and the associated footprint wind gusts magnitude over a portion of the European territory. The choice of the tracking algorithm is shown to be an important factor in the decision-making process, as it results in non-negligible uncertainties in main windstorm statistics.

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Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Stefano Tibaldi, Leone Cavicchia, Enrico Scoccimarro, Pier Luigi Vidale, Kevin Hodges, Vivien Mavel, Mattia Almansi, Chiara Cagnazzo, and Samuel Almond

Status: open (until 28 Feb 2025)

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Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Stefano Tibaldi, Leone Cavicchia, Enrico Scoccimarro, Pier Luigi Vidale, Kevin Hodges, Vivien Mavel, Mattia Almansi, Chiara Cagnazzo, and Samuel Almond
Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Stefano Tibaldi, Leone Cavicchia, Enrico Scoccimarro, Pier Luigi Vidale, Kevin Hodges, Vivien Mavel, Mattia Almansi, Chiara Cagnazzo, and Samuel Almond


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Short summary
We introduce a new dataset of European windstorms linked to extratropical cyclones, spanning whole ERA5 reanalysis period (1940–present). Developed under Copernicus Climate Change Service, the dataset provides standardized, high-quality information on windstorm tracks and footprints for industries like insurance and risk management. Preliminary findings show an increase in cold-season windstorms and their impacts in parts of Europe. Tracking methods contribute to uncertainties in key statistics.