23 Jan 2025
 | 23 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Exploring Sources of Ice Crystals in Cirrus Clouds: Comparative Analysis of Two Ice Nucleation Schemes in CAM6

Kai Lyu, Xiaohong Liu, and Bernd Kärcher

Abstract. Ice nucleation, a critical process in cirrus clouds, remains a challenge in global climate models. To enhance the understanding, a novel ice nucleation parameterization based on the Kärcher (2022) (K22) scheme is introduced into the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model version 6 (CAM6).

To investigate ice formation in cirrus clouds, sensitivity tests are conducted to analyze three ice sources: orographic gravity wave (OGW)-induced, convection detrained and turbulence-induced. These tests employ both the K22 scheme and the default Liu and Penner (2005) (LP05) scheme. Model evaluation includes 6-year climatology and nudged simulations representing the Small Particles in Cirrus (SPARTICUS) and O2/N2 Ratio and CO2 Airborne Southern Ocean Study (ORCAS) campaigns.

The climatology simulations reveal that both schemes concentrate detrained and turbulence-induced ice crystals in low to mid-latitudes, whereas OGW-induced ice crystals are concentrated in mid- to high latitudes. Compared to the LP05 scheme, the K22 scheme generates a higher number of ice crystals. The simulated cloud microphysical properties using the K22 scheme align well with observations for orographic cirrus during the SPARTICUS campaign.

In orographic cirrus, both schemes identify OGW-induced ice crystals as the dominant ice source. However, due to distinct competition parameterizations, the K22 scheme exhibits less competition from minor ice sources (convection detrained and turbulence-induced). This underscores the significance of competition mechanisms within nucleation schemes for accurate cirrus clouds simulation. The application of two distinct nucleation schemes provides valuable insights into the dominant ice sources in cirrus clouds.

Competing interests: At least one of the (co-)authors is a member of the editorial board of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

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Kai Lyu, Xiaohong Liu, and Bernd Kärcher

Status: open (until 07 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Kai Lyu, Xiaohong Liu, and Bernd Kärcher
Kai Lyu, Xiaohong Liu, and Bernd Kärcher


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Short summary
Two nucleation schemes are used to study ice nucleation, focusing on three ice sources: mountains, turbulence and anvils. Ice from mountains is concentrated in mid- and high-latitudes, while ice from turbulence and anvils is more common in low and mid-latitudes. Both schemes simulate orographic cirrus clouds, with mountain ice as the dominant source. The schemes differ in how they handle ice source competition, causing turbulence and anvils to influence clouds differently.