Climatic Feedbacks and Vegetation Changes Driven by Orbital Forcing and Sea Surface Temperature During Interglacials
Abstract. Climatic feedbacks associated with orbitally driven Sea Surface Temperature (SST) lead to a profound impact on the Southern Hemisphere (SH) vegetation cover during the Mid-Holocene, MIS5e, MIS11c, and MIS31 interglacials. Results are based on a suite of coupled climate simulations conducted with the ICTP-CGCM (Speed-Nemo), which provides the boundary conditions for the CCM3/IBIS vegetation model. The CCM3/IBIS model was run from the Speed-Nemo output of the global ocean and individualized Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean basins forcing, in addition to orbital parameters and greenhouse gases. For interglacials, MH, MIS 5e, and 11c, areas have been found to be significantly reduced in tropical evergreen forests, but more extensive savanna and grasslands, over parts of the southern and central African region and into northern South America (Amazon region). In another important period, the results showed that there have been changes in vegetation cover due to insolation forcing during MIS31 compared to other interglacials, but the impact was greater in Australia and central South America. However, the southern tropical climate became drier due to negative SST anomalies, induced by the Atlantic and Tropical Pacific basins, and thus reduced continental precipitation. This study demonstrates that vegetation responses across tropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere are not solely driven by orbital variations but are also significantly modulated by internal changes in Atlantic and Pacific SST patterns. In the study regions, in particular, during the MH, MIS5e and MIS11c, the seasonality of insolation was reduced in the SH, leading to the cooling of the southern tropical ocean basins, resulting in the migration of the summer precipitation zone to boreal latitudes. Therefore, combined with increased low-latitude summer temperatures and a prolonged dryer period, the forcing led to a slow retraction, but steady in the rainforests of Congo and Amazonia, causing an effect of extreme aridity.