23 Jan 2025
 | 23 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

Modelling ocean melt of ice mélange at Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers

Lokesh Jain, Donald Slater, and Peter Nienow

Abstract. Many of Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers have retreated and accelerated in recent decades, contributing significantly to sea level rise. Increased submarine melting of calving fronts is often cited as the dominant driver of this retreat. However, the presence of ice mélange and its associated buttressing force on a glacier terminus is also thought to significantly impact glacier advance and retreat. The buttressing force depends on the mélange thickness, and thickness will be modulated by ocean melt rate, but our understanding of the melting of ice mélange by the ocean remains limited, and it is not yet known how these melt rates vary across a range of glacial and environmental conditions. Here, we perform high-resolution numerical simulations using MITgcm to model the circulation of ocean waters through an ice mélange close to marine-terminating glaciers and estimate the resultant melt. We explore the sensitivity of mélange melt rate to environmental conditions, finding that melt rates increase sublinearly with subglacial discharge and approximately linearly with ocean temperature. In this sense, mélange melt rate appears to respond to environmental forcing in a similar manner to submarine melting of the calving front, and can be parameterised as such. This work is a step towards both a better understanding of ice mélange dynamics and a better parameterisation of its effects on glaciers and the ocean.

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Lokesh Jain, Donald Slater, and Peter Nienow

Status: open (until 06 Mar 2025)

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Lokesh Jain, Donald Slater, and Peter Nienow
Lokesh Jain, Donald Slater, and Peter Nienow


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Short summary
Ice mélange is a mixture of icebergs and sea ice which floats in front of Greenland’s largest glaciers. The presence of an ice mélange can have a significant impact on a glacier and its fjord, but the melting of an ice mélange by the ocean is currently poorly understood. We used computer simulations to develop an equation which describes how ice mélange melts under different environmental conditions.