14 Jan 2025
 | 14 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).

The significant role of snow in shaping alpine treeline responses in modelled boreal forests

Sarah Haupt, Josias Gloy, Luca Farkas, Katharina Schildt, Lisa Trimborn, and Stefan Kruse

Abstract. Treelines across the Northern Hemisphere are shifting upward and northward in response to global warming, particularly in boreal forests, where climate change progresses more rapidly at high elevations and latitudes. These shifts intensify competition for resources, threaten endemic alpine species, and disrupt established ecological relationships, leading to biodiversity loss. However, significant heterogeneity and regional variation exist in how treelines respond to environmental changes, with many underlying drivers and constraints still poorly understood.

This study aims to enhance understanding of alpine treeline dynamics and improve vegetation model predictions under changing climatic conditions. We evaluated the relative impact of key factors influencing treeline migration velocity and examined the effects of varying snow regimes on treeline migration within the alpine treeline ecotone. To achieve this, we incorporated a novel snow module into the vegetation model LAVESI (Larix Vegetation Simulator), enabling the integration of precipitation outside the growing season, snow accumulation, and snowmelt processes. This module allows for explicit modelling of the positive and negative impacts of snow depth on tree growth and treeline migration, while accounting for stochastically occurring extreme events and capturing full weather variability.

Our findings reveal site-specific responses to factors driving treeline shifts and forest expansion, with localised conditions playing a critical role in shaping migration dynamics. The Canadian and the Russian sites demonstrate clear insights into primary migration drivers, while the high variability at the Alaskan site indicates more complex local dynamics and greater predictive uncertainty. The study highlights the significant role of snow in modulating migration potential, as snow accumulation creates favourable conditions for seedling germination and growth while also posing risks of increased mortality from snow loads or avalanches. These results underscore the importance of incorporating snow-related processes into vegetation models to improve the accuracy of predictions for boreal forest dynamics.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into tree migration processes, highlighting the varied predictability of treeline responses across regions. These findings carry significant implications for refining vegetation models and guiding conservation strategies to sustain alpine tundra resilience in the face of accelerating climate change.

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Sarah Haupt, Josias Gloy, Luca Farkas, Katharina Schildt, Lisa Trimborn, and Stefan Kruse

Status: open (until 25 Feb 2025)

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Sarah Haupt, Josias Gloy, Luca Farkas, Katharina Schildt, Lisa Trimborn, and Stefan Kruse
Sarah Haupt, Josias Gloy, Luca Farkas, Katharina Schildt, Lisa Trimborn, and Stefan Kruse


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Short summary
We studied alpine treeline migration in boreal forests using an enhanced vegetation model that includes snow processes. Our findings revealed site-specific migration drivers, with snow playing a dual role: supporting seedling establishment while increasing mortality risks. Results emphasize the need to include snow processes in vegetation models to better predict boreal forest responses.