07 Jan 2025
 | 07 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Solid Earth (SE).

Dissolution-precipitation creep in polymineralic granitoid shear zones in experiments I: Strain localization mechanisms

Natalia Nevskaya, Alfons Berger, Holger Stünitz, Weijia Zhan, Markus Ohl, Oliver Plümper, and Marco Herwegh

Abstract. Dissolution-precipitation creep (DPC) is considered as one of the main processes accommodating localized strain in polymineralic shear zones of the Earth’s crust. Extensive field evidence for DPC in natural shear zones supports the importance of this process. The spatio-temporal evolution and the level of compositional heterogeneity that facilitate the nucleation of such polymineralic shear zones remain poorly understood. A series of new experiments was conducted on a granitoid fine-grained ultramylonite to different strains at 650 °C, 1.2 GPa with strain rates varying from 10-3 s-1 to 10-6 s-1. In Type I experiments, a fracture was induced (prior to reaching the P,T-conditions), whereas in Type II experiments, no initial fracture was induced. Consequently, in the Type I experiments viscous deformation localized strictly within the previous fracture in a ~20 µm wide zone, with grain sizes being reduced to 150–10 nm. In the Type II experiments, viscous deformation was distributed in the sample, with grain size being reduced locally to 200–50 nm. This study supports two different hypotheses for shear zone nucleation in nature. In brittle induced strain localization, DPC will be activated and lead to a rapid and strong strain localization, producing a very weak and fast deforming high strain zone. In viscously induced strain localization (without main fracture), deformation concentrates along classical strain gradients, requiring higher shear strains to reach mechanical and microstructural steady state at slower deformation rates compared to brittle-induced strain localization. In both end-member strain localization scenarios, the dominant viscous deformation mechanism in the shear zones is grain boundary sliding combined with pinning-assisted DPC. Our experiments indicate that chemical potentials in the microstructures in combination with different strain localization types may explain the often-observed concentration of strain in fine-grained polymineralic mylonites such as in granitoids but also other polymineralic rocks (e.g. peridotites, granulites etc.) in nature.

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Natalia Nevskaya, Alfons Berger, Holger Stünitz, Weijia Zhan, Markus Ohl, Oliver Plümper, and Marco Herwegh

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3968', Matej Pec, 14 Feb 2025 reply
Natalia Nevskaya, Alfons Berger, Holger Stünitz, Weijia Zhan, Markus Ohl, Oliver Plümper, and Marco Herwegh
Natalia Nevskaya, Alfons Berger, Holger Stünitz, Weijia Zhan, Markus Ohl, Oliver Plümper, and Marco Herwegh


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Short summary
Rheology of polymineralic rocks is crucial to unravel the strain and stress distribution in Earth’s middle crust with implications for e.g. seismicity or geothermal systems. Our experimental study of the viscous rheology of natural, fine-grained, granitoid rocks shows that dissolution-precipitation creep and pinning is active in extremely weak narrow zones. Due to the polymineralic character, strain localizes with and without a precursory fracture in zones weaker than monomineralic quartz.