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Dissolution-precipitation creep in polymineralic granitoid shear zones in experiments I: Strain localization mechanisms
Abstract. Dissolution-precipitation creep (DPC) is considered as one of the main processes accommodating localized strain in polymineralic shear zones of the Earth’s crust. Extensive field evidence for DPC in natural shear zones supports the importance of this process. The spatio-temporal evolution and the level of compositional heterogeneity that facilitate the nucleation of such polymineralic shear zones remain poorly understood. A series of new experiments was conducted on a granitoid fine-grained ultramylonite to different strains at 650 °C, 1.2 GPa with strain rates varying from 10-3 s-1 to 10-6 s-1. In Type I experiments, a fracture was induced (prior to reaching the P,T-conditions), whereas in Type II experiments, no initial fracture was induced. Consequently, in the Type I experiments viscous deformation localized strictly within the previous fracture in a ~20 µm wide zone, with grain sizes being reduced to 150–10 nm. In the Type II experiments, viscous deformation was distributed in the sample, with grain size being reduced locally to 200–50 nm. This study supports two different hypotheses for shear zone nucleation in nature. In brittle induced strain localization, DPC will be activated and lead to a rapid and strong strain localization, producing a very weak and fast deforming high strain zone. In viscously induced strain localization (without main fracture), deformation concentrates along classical strain gradients, requiring higher shear strains to reach mechanical and microstructural steady state at slower deformation rates compared to brittle-induced strain localization. In both end-member strain localization scenarios, the dominant viscous deformation mechanism in the shear zones is grain boundary sliding combined with pinning-assisted DPC. Our experiments indicate that chemical potentials in the microstructures in combination with different strain localization types may explain the often-observed concentration of strain in fine-grained polymineralic mylonites such as in granitoids but also other polymineralic rocks (e.g. peridotites, granulites etc.) in nature.
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Status: open (extended)
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3968', Matej Pec, 14 Feb 2025
Review of Nevskaya et al. “Dissolution-precipitation creep in polymineralic granitoid shear zones in experiments I: strain localization mechanisms”
This paper reports on a series of experiments conducted on cores of granitic ultramylonites at 1.2 GPa confining pressure and 650˚C. Two experimental series were performed, one where the rocks were pre-fractured during pressurization and one where deformation has only started once the rocks reached the desired P-T conditions. In both cases, the authors use extensive and detailed microstructural observations down to the TEM scales to argue that dissolution precipitation creep was dominantly accommodating deformation at the experimental conditions. The paper is very well written and logically organized, the figure quality is superb. I have only a few minor comments which the authors might find useful to further improve the manuscript.
Figure 3 – what I find rather interesting is the fact that both the pre-cracked as well as intact rocks essentially reach the same strength, or maybe the pre-cracked samples are actually a little stronger. What influences the peak strength in your opinion, could you expand the discussion to address this topic? It seems that the pre-existing fracture just doesn’t influence strength at all anymore at the elevated P-T conditions of the experiments, i.e. the rocks are firmly above the brittle-ductile transition (following the Kohlstedt et al. 1995 and Rutter 1986 definition of BDT as localized vs. delocalized deformation) and sliding on preexisting fractures is actually more difficult then deforming the bulk? But if the fine grain sizes that are so important for the strain localization form already during the fracturing and are present presumably earlier than in the non-fractured experiments why does the strength remain unchanged?
Section 4.1.2, discusses the differences between mono-mineralic and poly-mineralic rocks undergoing dissolution precipitation creep and the fact that it is driven by flux of matter form a source to a sink. In the classical treatment of grain boundary sliding in diffusion creep by for example Raj and Ashby 1971 the differential stress introduces variations in the normal stress acting at a grain boundary depending on their orientation and these variations introduce chemical potential gradients driving the flux of atoms towards the boundaries in compression and vacancies to grain boundaries in tension. The slowest diffusing species then sets the strain rate as charge neutrality has to be maintained within the bulk crystal. While this treatment is derived for simple monoatomic metals it can be expanded to more complex materials if all the point defect reactions are known. On lines 343 – 345 you claim though that “In our polyminerlaic system, the transport and source/sink terms are not defined, and the introduction of a chemical driving force will be necessary”. I am confused by this framing. In my understanding you will still have sources and sinks and a chemical potential gradients based on the normal stress acting on the grain boundaries, and in addition you will have chemical potential gradients related to the differences in activities of various species depending on their concentration in the grains making polymineralic mix. So in other words I think you could at least in theory define source and sink terms for individual species diffusing and a chemical driving force is always present due to the differential stress. I agree that the problem gets quickly very complex and so quantitative treatment is currently not possible to my knowledge. A more nuanced framing here will avoid confusion in my opinion.
Also in this section on lines 350 – 355 you discuss the importance of porosity permeability and only a couple paragraphs later in the manuscript you start talking about advection of the fluid. I suggest you highlight here already the important implication of your observations and the necessity to account for fluid advection in DPC models. In all classical DPC models I know of, the fluid is always treated as a stationary phase through which diffusion occurs and no advection of the fluid is invoked so your observation could motivate further theoretical developments.
minor edits:
Figure 2 – can you add a scale bar please?
Line 165 – I agree with the statement but would mention here the existence of torsion experiments in solid medium apparatuses that reach very high strains (e.g. Cross and Skemer 2017)
Figure 4c – it is really neat how the microstructure in the highly localized zone is very similar to the mylonitic microstructure in the surrounding material, just on a shorter length scale. Just an observation.
Line 242 - …if shortening results also IN material…. I would say in and not by
Line 242-243 …and possibly these areas are influenced by external boundary conditions. I would re-phrase this as the whole sample is influenced by boundary conditions in my opinion. What about “these areas are most influenced by the boundary conditions of our experimental set-up” or something along these lines?
Line 274 – the median grain size reported here (145 nm) is applicable only for the zone of extreme strain localization along the previous fracture zone I assume. The grain size outside of the zone is presumably close to the starting material? Slight re-phrasing here might help to avoid potential confusion.
301 – typo here – previous (not precious)
303 - …chemical changes and -gradients… The dash is extra?
356 - …the diffusive transport length at least the grain size… length IS at least…?
388 – missing a space between 1.2 and GPa
Section 4.2.1 – in this section you always say that grain size is stable at certain strain rates, pressures and temperatures but shouldn’t you also include stresses?
474 - missing spaces between 260 nm and 500 MPa here
531 – missing a bracket after Menegon 2008 and space between that bracket and Hence.
551 – 552 – you have a typo here as you report velocities (m/s) and not strain rates (/s)
Cross, A. J., and P. Skemer. "Ultramylonite generation via phase mixing in high‐strain experiments." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122.3 (2017): 1744-1759.
Kohlstedt, D. L., Evans, B., & Mackwell, S. J. (1995). Strength of the lithosphere: Constraints imposed by laboratory experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 100(B9), 17587-17602.
Rutter, E. H. (1986). On the nomenclature of mode of failure transitions in rocks. Tectonophysics, 122(3-4), 381-387.
Raj, Rishi, and M. F. Ashby. "On grain boundary sliding and diffusional creep." Metallurgical transactions 2 (1971): 1113-1127.
Really great work!
Matej Pec
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