28 Jan 2025
 | 28 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).

FjordRPM v1.0: a reduced-physics model for efficient simulation of glacial fjords

Donald Alexander Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall

Abstract. Interactions between ice masses and the ocean are key couplings in the global climate system. In many cases these interactions occur through glacial fjords, which are long, deep, and narrow troughs connecting the open ocean to marine-terminating glaciers. By controlling the fluxes of ocean heat towards the ice sheet and ice sheet freshwater towards the ocean, glacial fjords play an important role in modulating ice sheet mass loss and the impacts of freshwater on ocean circulation. Yet, these dynamics occur at small scales that are challenging to resolve in earth system models and so are they often ignored, represented in an ad-hoc manner, or studied using expensive high-resolution models that are limited in scope. Here, we propose a means of capturing glacial fjord dynamics at negligible computational expense in the form of a "reduced-physics" model (FjordRPM) that resembles a "1.5-dimensional" or box model. We describe the design and physical parameterisations in the model and demonstrate its ability to capture important modes of glacial fjord circulation by comparing it against a general circulation model in idealised and realistic simulations. We suggest that the model is a useful tool for understanding fjord dynamics and a promising approach for representing glacial fjord processes within large-scale models or climate and sea level projection efforts.

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Donald Alexander Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall

Status: open (until 25 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3934', Kenneth Hughes, 30 Jan 2025 reply
Donald Alexander Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall

Model code and software

FjordRPM v1.0: a reduced-physics model for efficient simulation of glacial fjords Donald Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall

Donald Alexander Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall


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Short summary
Glacial fjords connect ice sheets to the ocean, controlling heat delivery to glaciers, which impacts ice sheet melt, and freshwater discharge to the ocean, affecting ocean circulation. However, their dynamics are not captured in large-scale climate models. We designed a simplified, computationally efficient model – FjordRPM – which accurately captures key fjord processes. It has direct applications for improving projections of ice melt, ocean circulation and sea-level rise.