14 Jan 2025
 | 14 Jan 2025

Sea Ice Concentration Estimates from ICESat-2 Linear Ice Fraction. Part 2: Gridded Data Comparison and Bias Estimation

Christopher Horvat, Ellen M. Buckley, and Madelyn Stewart

Abstract. Sea ice coverage is a key indicator of changes in the global climate. Estimates of sea ice area and extent are primarily derived from satellite measurements of surface microwave emissions, from which local sea ice concentration (SIC) is derived. Passive microwave (PM) satellite sensors remain the sole global product for understanding SIC variability, but may be sensitive to consistent biases. In part I we explored these in a multi-sensor intercomparison of optical, passive microwave, and lidar data, showing that a new, independent SIC product, the linear ice fraction (LIF), derived from ICESat-2 (IS2) laser altimetry, could be used to quantify and understand PM SIC biases. Here in part II, we develop and assess the reliability of larger-scale estimates of SIC from IS2 LIF. We develop an LIF emulator that samples optical imagery using the distribution of possible orientation angles for IS2 to understand the limitations of this one-dimensional product. We find that the error qualities of the LIF product are improved when combining multiple IS2 tracks, and discuss intrinsic but correctable biases that emerge in the combination of multiple IS2 measurements. We use these to develop a monthly LIF product, covering up to 54 % of the Arctic sea ice cover, with has similar-or-better error qualities compared to PM data. We then discuss pathways to enhancing PM-SIC data with IS2 LIF in the future.

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Christopher Horvat, Ellen M. Buckley, and Madelyn Stewart

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3864', Anonymous Referee #1, 10 Feb 2025
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3864', Anonymous Referee #2, 14 Feb 2025
Christopher Horvat, Ellen M. Buckley, and Madelyn Stewart
Christopher Horvat, Ellen M. Buckley, and Madelyn Stewart


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Short summary
Since the late 1970s, standard methods for observing sea ice area from satellite contrast its passive microwave emissions to that of the ocean. Since 2018, a new satellite, ICESat-2, may offer a unique and independent way to sample sea ice area at high skill and resolution, using laser altimetry. We develop a new product of sea ice area for the Arctic using ICESat-2 and constrain the biases associated with the use of altimetry instead of passive microwave emissions.