15 Jan 2025
 | 15 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

Wind and Topography Underlie Correlation Between Seasonal Snowpack, Mountain Glaciers, and Late-Summer Streamflow

Elijah N. Boardman, Andrew G. Fountain, Joseph W. Boardman, Thomas H. Painter, Evan W. Burgess, Laura Wilson, and Adrian A. Harpold

Abstract. In a warming climate, net mass loss from perennial snow and ice (PSI) contributes a temporary source of unsustainable streamflow. However, the role of topography and wind in mediating the streamflow patterns of deglaciating watersheds is unknown. We conduct lidar surveys of seasonal snow and PSI elevation change for five adjacent watersheds in the Wind River Range, Wyoming (WRR). Between 2019 and 2023, net mass loss from PSI is equivalent to ~10–36 % of August–September streamflow. Across 338 manually classified PSI features >0.01 km2, glaciers contribute 68 % of the total mass loss, perennial snowfields contribute 8 %, rock glaciers contribute 1 %, buried ice contributes 6 %, and the remaining 17 % derives from semi-annual snowfields and small snow patches. Surprisingly, watersheds with more area-normalized seasonal snow produce less late-summer streamflow (r = -0.60), but this correlation is positive (r = 0.88) considering only deep snow storage (SWE >2 m). Most deep snow (87 %) is associated with favorable topography for wind drift formation. Deep seasonal snow limits the mass loss contribution of PSI features in topographic refugia. We show that watersheds with favorable topography exhibit deeper seasonal snow, more abundant PSI features (and hence greater mass loss during deglaciation), and elevated late-summer streamflow. As a result of deep seasonal snow patterns, watersheds with the most abundant PSI would still produce 45–78 % more late-summer streamflow than nearby watersheds in a counterfactual scenario with zero net mass loss. Similar interrelationships may be applicable to mountain environments globally.

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Elijah N. Boardman, Andrew G. Fountain, Joseph W. Boardman, Thomas H. Painter, Evan W. Burgess, Laura Wilson, and Adrian A. Harpold

Status: open (until 13 Mar 2025)

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Elijah N. Boardman, Andrew G. Fountain, Joseph W. Boardman, Thomas H. Painter, Evan W. Burgess, Laura Wilson, and Adrian A. Harpold

Data sets

Dataset for Perennial Snow and Ice Study in the Wind River Range, Wyoming Elijah Boardman

Elijah N. Boardman, Andrew G. Fountain, Joseph W. Boardman, Thomas H. Painter, Evan W. Burgess, Laura Wilson, and Adrian A. Harpold


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Short summary
We use repeat airborne lidar surveys (which provide high resolution topography) to map the seasonal snowpack and estimate mass loss from glaciers, snowfields, rock glaciers, and other forms of perennial snow and ice in the U.S. Rocky Mountains. Our results show that topography, especially wind drifting, is a fundamental driver of differences in snow persistence, glaciation, and streamflow across five mountain watersheds.