The response of small boreal catchments to extreme weather event: Hurricane Larry
Abstract. The boreal environment is high in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron concentrations. This DOC is enriched in functional groups allowing it to bind strongly with iron and act as a significant source of iron to the coastal and marine environment. As climate change intensifies more extreme weather events will affect the northern hemisphere and boreal environment. These weather events can lead to massive fluxes of material from the environment but the impact it will have on the boreal environment is currently unknown. Hurricane Larry made landfall on Newfoundland (NL) in 2021 providing an opportunity to investigate how the boreal environment will react to extreme weather events. We sampled three rivers before and after the hurricane to see how DOC and iron concentrations, lability, and colour were affected by the hurricane. We found that a high percentage of forest and peatlands buffered against increases in DOC and colour, with wetlands buffering an increase in iron concentrations. This study represents one of the first to observe boreal catchment responses to extreme weather events such as hurricanes.