Enhancing Urban Pluvial Flood Modelling through Graph Reconstruction of Incomplete Sewer Networks
Abstract. This work presents an efficient graph reconstruction-based approach for generating physical sewer models from incomplete information, addressing the challenge of representing sewer drainage effect in urban pluvial flood simulation. The approach utilizes graph-based topological analysis and hydraulic design constraints to derive gravitational flow directions and nodal invert elevations in decentralized sewer networks with multiple outfalls. By incorporating linearized programming formulation to solve reconstruction problems, this approach can achieve high computational efficiency, enabling application to city-scale sewer networks with thousands of nodes and links. Tested in Yinchuan, China, the approach integrates with a 1D/2D coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic model and accurately reproduces maximum inundation depths (R2 = 0.95) when the complete network layout and regulated facilities are available. Simplifications, such as adopting road-based layouts and omitting regulation facilities, can degrade simulation performance for extreme rainfall events compared to calibrated equifinal methods. However, design rainfall analysis demonstrates that the physical reconstruction approach can reliably outperform equifinal methods, achieving reduced variation and higher accuracy in simulating inundation areas. However, proper configuration of regulated facilities and network connectivity remains crucial, particularly for simulating local inundation during extreme rainfall. Thus, it is recommended to integrate the proposed algorithm with targeted field investigations to further improve urban pluvial flood simulation performance in data-scarce regions.