Updated monthly and new daily bias correction for assimilation-based passive microwave SWE retrieval
Abstract. Snow water equivalent (SWE) is a valuable characteristic of snow cover, and it can be estimated using passive spaceborne radiometer measurements. The radiometer-based GlobSnow SWE retrieval methodology, which assimilates weather station snow depth observations with passive microwave brightness temperatures, has improved the reliability and accuracy of SWE retrieval when compared to stand-alone radiometer PMW methods. However, even this assimilation-based method fails to estimate large (> 150 mm) SWE values as snow changes from a scatterer to an emitter. Correcting for these systematic biases can improve PMW-based SWE estimates, especially for high SWE magnitudes. Previously, a monthly bias correction using snow course observations was applied to the GlobSnow v3 product for February – May. This method reduced the spread in March SWE estimated from four gridded products (GlobSnow v3.0, MERRA2, Crocus and Brown snow models forced by ERA-Interim). In this research, we use newly available snow course data to update this bias correction and expand it to cover the months of December through May; we also extend the monthly bias correction to a daily bias correction. The new monthly and daily bias corrections are applied to an updated version of the GlobSnow product – Snow CCI v3.1 product. The Northern Hemisphere climatological snow mass from the Snow CCI v3.1 bias corrected products (daily and monthly) is consistent with that from a suite of reanalysis products. This represents a significant improvement for the months of April and May compared to the original GSv3.0 bias corrected product, as is the provision of daily bias corrected SWE estimates.