18 Dec 2024
 | 18 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Magnitude and timescale of liquid water path adjustments to cloud droplet number concentration perturbations for nocturnal non-precipitating marine stratocumulus

Yao-Sheng Chen, Prasanth Prabhakaran, Fabian Hoffmann, Jan Kazil, Takanobu Yamaguchi, and Graham Feingold

Abstract. Cloud liquid water path (L) adjusts to perturbations in cloud droplet number concentration (N) over time. We explore the magnitude and timescale of this adjustment in nocturnal non-precipitating marine stratocumuli using large eddy simulations of baseline conditions and aerosol seeding experiments for 22 meteorological conditions. The results confirm that the L adjustment (δL) slope (k) is more negative for simulation pairs with relatively low N and less negative for high N. Overall, k is unlikely to be lower than −0.4 within 24 h since seeding starts, meaning the L adjustment is unlikely to fully offset the brightening due to the Twomey effect. After seeding, the δL becomes increasingly negative which can be characterized by an exponential convergence. This evolution is governed by a short timescale around 5 h and lasts for around 8–12 h. It is driven by the feedback between entrainment, L, and boundary layer (BL) turbulence. Other processes, including radiation, surface fluxes, and subsidence, respond to the seeding weakly. This short timescale is insensitive to the amount of seeding, making the evolution of δL and some other deviations similar for different seeding amounts after appropriate scaling. The timescale of k evolution is closely related to the δL timescale and hence also short, while it could also be affected by the δN evolution. The results are most relevant to conditions where seeding is applied to a large area of marine stratocumulus in well-mixed and overcast BL where shear is not a primary source of turbulence.

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Yao-Sheng Chen, Prasanth Prabhakaran, Fabian Hoffmann, Jan Kazil, Takanobu Yamaguchi, and Graham Feingold

Status: open (until 29 Jan 2025)

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Yao-Sheng Chen, Prasanth Prabhakaran, Fabian Hoffmann, Jan Kazil, Takanobu Yamaguchi, and Graham Feingold
Yao-Sheng Chen, Prasanth Prabhakaran, Fabian Hoffmann, Jan Kazil, Takanobu Yamaguchi, and Graham Feingold
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 18 Dec 2024
Short summary
Injecting sea salt aerosols into marine stratiform clouds can distribute the cloud water over more droplets in smaller sizes. This process is expected to make the clouds brighter, allowing them to reflect more sunlight back to space. However, it may also cause the clouds to lose water over time, reducing their ability to reflect sunlight. We use a computer model to show that the loss of cloud water occurs relatively quickly and does not completely offset the initial brightening.