17 Dec 2024
 | 17 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Local versus farfield control on South Pacific Subantarctic mode water variability

Ciara Pimm, Andrew J. S. Meijers, Dani C. Jones, and Richard G. Williams

Abstract. In the South Pacific Subantarctic mode water (SAMW) formation region, central and eastern pools of SAMW have been found to be linked to winter mixed-layer thicknesses that vary strongly interannually and out of phase across the basin. This mixed-layer variability is associated with peaks in sea level pressure variability at a quasi-stationary anomaly situated between the two pools. To investigate how surface forcing, as well as the propagation of upstream anomalies, affects the formation of these SAMW pools, a set of adjoint sensitivity experiments with a density-following feature are conducted. Adjoint sensitivities reveal local cooling can lead to an increase in SAMW pool volume through mixed-layer depth changes and the lateral movement of the northern boundary of the pool. In addition, upstream warming along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current can lead to an increase in SAMW pool volume through lateral density surface movement shifting the southern boundary polewards. The density properties are advected from upstream to the downstream pool over one year. Optimal conditions for SAMW formation involve a combination of local cooling and upstream warming of SAMW formation sites. Hence, South Pacific SAMW variability is particularly sensitive to atmospheric modes which lead to a dipole in heating across the formation sites.

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Ciara Pimm, Andrew J. S. Meijers, Dani C. Jones, and Richard G. Williams

Status: open (until 11 Feb 2025)

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Ciara Pimm, Andrew J. S. Meijers, Dani C. Jones, and Richard G. Williams
Ciara Pimm, Andrew J. S. Meijers, Dani C. Jones, and Richard G. Williams
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 17 Dec 2024
Short summary
Subantarctic mode water in the South Pacific Ocean is important due to its role in the uptake and transport of anthropogenic heat and carbon. The Subantarctic mode water region can be split into two pools using mixed layer depth properties. Sensitivity experiments are used to understand the effects of heating and wind on each pool. It is found that the optimal conditions to form large amounts of Subantarctic mode water in the South Pacific are local cooling and upstream warming combined.