17 Dec 2024
 | 17 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).

Controls on Palaeogene deep-sea diatom-bearing sediment deposition and comparison with shallow marine environments

Cécile Figus, Johan Renaudie, Or M. Bialik, and Jakub Witkowski

Abstract. Diatoms are the key players in the present-day global biogeochemical cycles. Yet, the diatom flux response to the dynamically changing climates of the Palaeogene has long been a subject to divergent interpretations. We present a compilation of Palaeogene deep-sea diatom-bearing sediments in order to gain new insight into inter-basin and latitudinal distribution of diatom accumulation zones from the K/Pg boundary to the Oligocene/Miocene transition. Our dataset includes 189 sites drilled in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, and in the Arctic. It suggests that the number and distribution of deep-sea diatom- bearing sediment occurrences is mainly controlled by the nutrient availibility and ocean circulation. Climate appears to have only an indirect correlation with our results, which may be linked to the expansion of the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Oligocene global cooling. A comparison of our results with the temporal ditribution of shallow marine diatomite occurrences (Figus et al., 2024a) suggests that the increase in the number of deep-sea diatom-bearing sediment occurrences (particularly in the Atlantic) during the diatomite gap (~46 to ~44 Ma) is probably related to the tectonic reorganizations occurring during this period. These palaeogeographic changes caused the cessation of shallow marine diatomite deposition, and an increase in nutrient availability through continental weathering intensification.

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Cécile Figus, Johan Renaudie, Or M. Bialik, and Jakub Witkowski

Status: open (until 25 Feb 2025)

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Cécile Figus, Johan Renaudie, Or M. Bialik, and Jakub Witkowski

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Compilations of Palaeogene deep-sea diatom-bearing sediments and associated data C. Figus et al.

Cécile Figus, Johan Renaudie, Or M. Bialik, and Jakub Witkowski


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Short summary
The compilation of Palaeogene deep-sea diatom-bearing sediment occurrences indicates that the deposition of diatom-bearing sediments is mainly controlled by nutrient availability and ocean circulation in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Comparison with shallow marine diatomites suggests that the peak in the number of diatom-bearing sites in the Atlantic may be related to tectonic reorganizations that caused the cessation of shallow marine diatomite deposition between ~46 and ~44 Ma.