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New insights into the polar ozone and water vapor, radiative effects, and their connection to the tides in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere during major Sudden Stratospheric Warming events
Abstract. We examine the variability of diurnal (DT), semidiurnal (SDT), and terdiurnal (TDT) tide amplitudes in the Arctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) during and after sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events using meteor radar data at three polar-latitude stations: Sodankylä (67.37° N, 26.63° E), Tromsø (69.58° N, 19.22° E), and Svalbard (78.99° N, 15.99° E). By combining tidal amplitude anomalies with trace gas variations, induced by large-scale dynamical changes caused by the breaking of planetary waves, this study provides new observational insights into the variation of ozone and water vapor, transport, and tides at polar latitude. We use short-wave (QRS) and long-wave (QRL) radiative heating and cooling rates simulated by the WACCM-X model to investigate the roles of polar ozone and water vapor in linking mesospheric tidal variability during SSWs in the polar regions. Our analysis reveals distinct tidal responses during SSW events. At the onset of SSWs, a significant negative anomaly in TDT amplitudes is observed, with a decrease of 3–4 m/s, approximately 15–20 % change compared to mean TDT tide. Meanwhile, SDT shows a positive anomaly of 10 m/s, with changes reaching up to 40 %, indicating an enhancement of tidal amplitude. The DT amplitude exhibits a delayed enhancement, with a positive amplitude anomaly of up to 5 m/s in the meridional wind component, occurring approximately 20 days after the onset of SSWs. A similar, but weaker effect is observed in the zonal wind component, with changes reaching up to 30 % in the zonal component and 50 % in the meridional wind component. We analyzed the contributions of ozone and water vapor to the short-wave heating and long-wave cooling before, during, and after the onset of SSW events. Our findings suggest that the immediate responses of SDT are most likely driven by dynamical effects accompanied by the radiative effects from ozone. Radiative forcing change during SSW likely plays a secondary role in DT tidal changes but appears to be important 20 days after the event towards the spring transition. Water vapor acts as a dynamical tracer in the stratosphere and mesosphere but has minimal radiative forcing, resulting in a negligible impact on tidal changes. The interaction between dynamic processes and the transport of radiatively active gases is important for explaining the observed tidal variability during SSW events. This study provides the first comprehensive analysis of mesospheric tidal variability in polar regions during SSWs, exploring and linking the significant role of trace gases and radiative effects in modulating tidal dynamics.
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Status: open (extended)
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3749', Anonymous Referee #1, 20 Jan 2025
This study presents the analysis of observed high-latitude tidal and trace gas (ozone, water vapor) variability in response to SSWs, in combination with modeled trace gas and heating rate variations. The authors seek to leverage the simulated heating rates to quantify the impact of ozone and water vapor radiative perturbations on tidal variations in the MLT. By highlighting the role of trace gases, the authors aim to present the first comprehensive attempt to explain mesospheric tidal variability in the polar region. While the interpretation of the results is built upon a well researched literature framework, the connection between known mechanisms of tidal variability and the results of the current work is done qualitatively.
Since the main aim of the paper is to extend previously published results on ozone and water vapor coupling to mesospheric tidal variability, by specifically quantifying the contribution arising from polar trace gas variations, my main concern is that, in my view, this relationship is not in fact quantified. The paper remains at the stage where observations are argued to be explained by a possible mixture of dynamical and radiative effects, falling short of an actual quantification of the isolated radiative effects that are central to this work. I am further concerned that the relationship between SSW-driven ozone perturbations (and the corresponding radiative effects) and tidal variations might be hardly quantifiable, due to the lack of sunlight at these latitudes (upwards of 65 degrees North) during wintertime when SSWs occur. While the authors demonstrate that stratospheric and mesospheric altitudes receive some sunlight at these latitudes (even though the exact dates of the individual SSWs are not specified in the text; with some presumably occurring during the polar night), the modeled 0.5K/day perturbation is undoubtedly of very low intensity. While some context is provided for the modeled 0.5 K/day heating rates, the actual tidal forcing components of these rates are not discussed.
To support the author’s conclusion that this work provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving tidal variability during SSWs, I therefore think that as a first step, the tidal forcing terms should be much more rigorously quantified. But even then, I would be surprised if the tidal forcing will be significant enough to result in an observable perturbation, given also the large number of other mechanisms and forcing terms involved in driving tidal variability during SSWs.
Given the tools used by the authors, possible suggestions for quantifying the tidal forcing perturbations could be, for example, to repeat the SD-WACCM-X experiments with specified ozone concentrations (preferably only past 65 degrees North), and/or to calculate Hough mode tidal forcing terms (or even simply 24, 12, and 8 hour tidal harmonics at the radar sites) from the 3-hourly SD-WACCM-X heating rates.
More general comments are given below:
The abstract mentions that the water vapor perturbations have a negligibly small impact on tidal changes. As a suggestion, I would therefore consider changing the title to “New insights into polar ozone and water vapor, and the connection between ozone radiative effects and tides in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere during major sudden stratospheric warming events”. I would also consider changing line 19 to read “...transport of radiatively active ozone is important for explaining the observed tidal variability”, rather than “transport of radiatively active gases is important…”.
L6: ‘polar latitude’ to ‘polar latitudes’.
L10: ‘TDT tide’ to ‘TDT amplitudes’.
L50-51: I would suggest adding information that the intensified tides and quasi-two-day wave amplitudes observed by Lima et al. (2012) were observed in the low-latitude summer hemisphere.
L76-79: The authors note that this study, for the first time, quantifies the impact of ozone and water vapor responses on tidal variations in the MLT. Do the authors mean to say the ozone and water vapor responses specifically at polar latitudes? The impact of ozone perturbations on MLT tidal variations has been investigated in numerous other studies, as also referred to in the introduction. It is also not clear to me how the paper presents a quantification of the total radiative forcing during SSW events; maybe total radiative forcing above 65 degrees North is meant, based on the results showing averaged data between 65-90 degrees North?
L144: Perhaps it is enough to mention that SD-WACCM-X can be run in a fully coupled mode. Currently it is not clear whether the model is run with an active or prescribed ocean, which in a way distracts, since this is not strictly necessary information for understanding the results of this work.
L152: I would suggest rephrasing “photochemical rate constants” to “photochemical absorption and quantum-yield data”, or alternatively “photochemical molecular data” since currently it could be interpreted as if the photochemical reaction rate coefficients (J-values) are kept constant, but clearly these vary as a function of solar zenith angle and trace gas concentrations.
L154: Could it be specified which years exactly the climatological SD-WACCM-X simulations span? Given that short-wave radiation absorption is central to the paper, could the (E)UV absorption scheme and relevant chemical species from WACCM-X also briefly be discussed?
L169-L170: A table showing the central SSW dates between 2004-2022 would be highly beneficial, given that insolation can be very different between an event occurring on the 24th of March (in 2010) or 5th of January (in 2004). Could it also be specified which model from the cited NOAA page is used as reference (even though I would think this is MERRA-2 based on its relation to SD-WACCM-X)? It would also be helpful if the exact SSW onset criterion is specified in the text, given the large variety of definitions used in literature.
L174-177: To my knowledge, not all major SSW events are associated with an Elevated Stratopause (ES). Looking at the NOAA database, there are 8 major SSWs between 2004-2013. However, Limpasuvan et al. (2019) identified only 5 ES SSWs during this time period (their Figure 1). Please discuss the notion of not all SSWs having an ES, and how this affects the interpretation of your results, as ES SSW characteristics are assumed to be present as a general feature in the modelled and measured composite SSW response later on in the text.
L180: The link between planetary-wave activity and the observed oscillations in the meridional winds is unclear to me. While I understand that planetary wave-mean flow interactions can induce low-frequency oscillations in the mean meridional winds, the analysis described in Section 2.1 states that the time-frequency analysis also includes longer period waves such as stationary planetary waves, in addition to a mean wind. How is it possible to differentiate between low frequency (quasi-stationary) planetary waves and mean wind oscillations at a single station without additional longitudinal information?
L188: At this point naming the station coordinates becomes a bit repetitive. My suggestion would be that here “the three radars” is simply enough.
L192: The interpretation of the %-changes in tidal amplitudes and mean winds would benefit from a comparison to climatological values. Could the climatological values between for example January and March be included as figures in the appendix? And similarly for the long- and short-wave heating rates? Given the spread in SSW onset dates (4th of January to 24th of March), I would expect there to be a considerable spread in event-to-event QRS rates and the associated deviations from climatology, given the rapid fall off of insolation during winter. It would probably also be helpful to discuss the event-to-event variability in QRS in the paper, based in part on the climatological figures.
L195: Possible reasons for the observed TDT variations are suggested here. Would this be more appropriate for the discussion section? Alternatively, I would suggest moving certain discussion points, for example that the TDT may be contaminated by gravity waves in the analysis technique, to this section. With this in mind, could the authors comment on why the TDT enhancement 10 to 20 days after the SSW onset is so sporadic? For example, at the Tromsø site, the meridional anomaly is around + 2 m/s on day 30, then falls to zero, and then returns to + 2 m/s on day 40. How does this variability fit in with the kind of fluctuations that could be expected from GW contamination?
L201: Please be more specific about how exactly the TDT variability observed in the current work aligns with previous studies that used GCMs and satellite measurements to discuss the solar heating, nonlinear interactions, and gravity wave-tide interaction excitation mechanisms for the TDT. This also ties in with the above comment.
L200: Do the authors here mean to say “TDT amplitude anomaly”?
L213: Personally I do not see a clear sign of the STD showing an enhancement 20-50 days after the SSW onset (albeit weaker than during SSW onset time), at least not in the data presented in the current work. In the current work the STD shows considerable variability also during times without SSWs, while there is no commonly identifiable pattern between the three meteor radar stations between days 20-50. If anything, I would argue that only Sodankylä shows a local maximum between days 40-50.
L234: It is not clear to me what Figure 5 shows. From the context I would guess that these are daily averaged 3-hourly heating rates? Or are they amplitudes of the 24 hr variations in the (3-hourly) modeled heating rates? This is crucial information for understanding discussion points later on.
L254: This is largely a repeat from an earlier comment, but I fail to see a clear SDT enhancement at the three stations 20-50 days after SSW onset. It is therefore difficult to connect the modeled QRS rates to SDT amplitude anomalies 20-50 days after onset. As a suggestion, could a time-series of, for example, 90 km altitude SDT amplitudes and 50 km altitude QRS rates be shown in a single figure? This may help to demonstrate a more clear relationship between the two.
L255: I do not quite follow the line of reasoning where 1) the findings from Siddiqui et al. (2019) and Limpasuvan et al. (2016) that SSWs are followed by rapid increase of ozone between 20S to 40N arising from equatorial upwelling and cooling, and a decrease poleward of 40N, and 2) the subsequent ozone enhancement at mid to high latitude as shown in Figure 6 happening immediately after SSW onset. Based on the first point, I would expect a rapid decrease in ozone centered on the SSW onset date in Figure 6?
L256: I would suggest adding that these heating rates are for wintertime. I would further expect these heating rates to be quite different between January and March SSWs, given the high latitude of the stations, and considering that heating rates approach 14 K/day during summer (Brasseur and Solomon, 2005, Figure 4.25). As mentioned above, I think it would therefore be highly beneficial if climatological heating rates between, say, January and March could be added to the appendix.
L257: It is argued that the QRS change is mostly due to ozone increases following the SSW onsets. The QRS anomaly falls roughly between 0.1 to 1 hPa (Figure 5), while the ozone anomalies extend between roughly 50 to 0.1 hPa in two largely separate patches (Figure 6). Why wouldn’t the ozone anomaly below 1 hPa, i.e. the bottom patch, contribute to the QRS anomaly? Is this because the stratosphere does not receive any sunlight at these latitudes during winter? A comment at this point in the manuscript would be beneficial. The lack of QRS perturbation between 100-10 hPa seems to conflict with the stratosphere receiving sunlight as argued for in section 3.3.
L286: Could the double-layer structure of the ozone be discussed or clarified in more detail? Does this refer to the anomaly in Figure 6 appearing to show a two-layer structure? I would think that a two-layered anomaly would not necessarily imply a double-layered structure of the underlying layer. Could the upper anomaly (centered on 1 hPa, or 50 km) simply be an extension of the stratospheric ozone layer?
L286-300: It is hard to imagine a 0.5 K/day heating rate (if these indeed would amount to 0.5 K/day) to provide significant tidal wave energy. In my view, isolated model experiments and a more detailed discussion of the tidal forcing terms would be a necessary step here. As a first estimate, what is the amplitude of the 12 hr component in the heating rates?
The stratospheric diurnal tide is further a largely vertically trapped mode, so it is unclear to me how the amplitudes at stratospheric altitudes (40-50 km) translates to amplitudes at meteor radar altitudes (80-100 km). The superposition of two 24 h waves will also always result in a 24 h wave, no matter how in or out of phase they are (so long as their frequencies are both 24 h). So it is also unclear to me why the superposition of two diurnal waves may effectively amplify the SDT at meteor radar altitudes? Regardless, I think the impact of travel time and vertical distance should be explained in more detail.
L298: I can’t find reference to the (in-situ) diurnal heating rates causing pronounced diurnal tides at the latitude and altitudes relevant to the current work based on the cited work by Schranz et al. (2018), which appears to discuss only the diurnal cycle in ozone and not the winds. Could this be clarified?
L310: Here the observed SDT response is primarily attributed to changes in zonal mean wind and ozone heating at mid-to-low latitudes, even though the contributions of these effects are not quantified, and these are therefore difficult to place into context with the ozone mechanism described in the paper. The double-layer ozone structure is further argued to contribute to the immediate STD response on line 315, while on line 312 it is argued to likely contribute to the observed STD variability during the recovery phase, and not during the onset phase. This seems contradictory.
L309-L324: I struggle to see the connection between the discussion points in this paragraph and the placement of the results within the literature. I think this largely stems from the contributions of the different mechanisms (propagation conditions, mid-to-low latitude ozone forcing) not being quantified in the context of the observational data, even though observed characteristics are attributed to these mechanisms. When the aim of the paper is to quantify the contribution of polar trace gas perturbations, I think a more careful quantification or discussion of the other effects is also warranted, given that the net observed tidal response is shaped by the complex interplay of all the different mechanisms. Further, as mentioned above, while the modeled 0.5 K/day heating rates fall within the range of stratospheric diurnal temperature variations, the actual diurnal components of the heating rates are not discussed.
Please check the spelling of Tromsø in the figure sub-titles (sometimes spelled as Tromose).
Sridharan, S., S. Sathishkumar, and S. Gurubaran. "Variabilities of mesospheric tides during sudden stratospheric warming events of 2006 and 2009 and their relationship with ozone and water vapour." Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 78 (2012): 108-115.
Limpasuvan, Varavut, et al. "On the composite response of the MLT to major sudden stratospheric warming events with elevated stratopause." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121.9 (2016): 4518-4537.
Brasseur, G. P. and Solomon, S.: Aeronomy of the middle atmosphere: Chemistry and physics of the stratosphere and mesosphere, vol. 32, Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Schranz, F., Fernandez, S., Kämpfer, N., and Palm, M.: Diurnal variation in middle-atmospheric ozone observed by ground-based microwave radiometry at Ny-Ålesund over 1 year, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 4113–4130,, 2018.
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