17 Dec 2024
 | 17 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Solid Earth (SE).

Seismic noise characterisation for the Buddusò – Ala dei Sardi wind park (Sardinia, Italy) and its impact on the Einstein Telescope candidate site

Giovanni Diaferia, Carlo Giunchi, Marco Olivieri, Irene Molinari, Fabio Di Felice, Andrea Contu, Domenico D'Urso, Luca Naticchioni, Davide Rozza, Jan Harms, Alessandro Cardini, Rosario De Rosa, Matteo Di Giovanni, Valentina Mangano, Fulvio Ricci, Lucia Trozzo, and Carlo Murineddu

Abstract. Wind turbines generate significant seismic noise and interfere with sensitive instruments, such as permanent and temporary seismic sensors installed nearby, hampering their detection capabilities. This study investigates the seismic noise emission from one of Italy’s largest wind farms, consisting of 69 turbines (2 MW each), located in northeastern Sardinia. Characterizing the noise emission from this wind farm is of particular importance due to its proximity to the Italian candidate site for hosting the Einstein Telescope, the third-generation observatory for gravitational waves. We run a passive seismic experiment (WINES, 'Wind turbIne Noise assEsSment in the Italian site candidate for Einstein Telescope') using a linear array of nine broadband stations, installed at increasing distances from the wind farm. Spectral analysis, based on the retrieval of spectrograms and power spectral densities at all stations, shows a significant increase in noise amplitude when the wind farm is in operation. The reconstruction of noise polarization points out that the noise wavefield originates from a direction consistent with the wind farm’s location. We recognize four dominant fixed spectral peaks at 3.4, 5.0, 6.8, and 9.5 Hz, corresponding to the modes of vibration of the wind turbine towers. While decreasing in amplitude with distance, the 3.4 Hz peak remains detectable up to 13 km from the nearest turbine. Assuming an amplitude decay model of the form r -α, where r is the distance, we estimate a damping factor of α∼2, that remains rather constant for each of the four main peaks, an observation that we relate to the good geomechanical characteristics of the local terrain, consisting of granitoid rocks. To better evaluate the possible impact of the wind farm noise emission on the Einstein Telescope, we also analyze the seismic data from two permanent stations bordering the ET candidate site area, each equipped with both a surface and borehole sensor at approximately 250 m depth. Power spectral density analysis for the surface and borehole sensors exhibits similar results and very low noise levels. When the wind farm operates at full capacity, the borehole sensors remain unaffected by the emitted seismic noise, highlighting the significant noise suppression at depth. However, small residual spectral peaks at 3.4 Hz and between 4–6 Hz remain detectable.

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Giovanni Diaferia, Carlo Giunchi, Marco Olivieri, Irene Molinari, Fabio Di Felice, Andrea Contu, Domenico D'Urso, Luca Naticchioni, Davide Rozza, Jan Harms, Alessandro Cardini, Rosario De Rosa, Matteo Di Giovanni, Valentina Mangano, Fulvio Ricci, Lucia Trozzo, and Carlo Murineddu

Status: open (until 24 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3600', Laura Ermert, 21 Jan 2025 reply
Giovanni Diaferia, Carlo Giunchi, Marco Olivieri, Irene Molinari, Fabio Di Felice, Andrea Contu, Domenico D'Urso, Luca Naticchioni, Davide Rozza, Jan Harms, Alessandro Cardini, Rosario De Rosa, Matteo Di Giovanni, Valentina Mangano, Fulvio Ricci, Lucia Trozzo, and Carlo Murineddu
Giovanni Diaferia, Carlo Giunchi, Marco Olivieri, Irene Molinari, Fabio Di Felice, Andrea Contu, Domenico D'Urso, Luca Naticchioni, Davide Rozza, Jan Harms, Alessandro Cardini, Rosario De Rosa, Matteo Di Giovanni, Valentina Mangano, Fulvio Ricci, Lucia Trozzo, and Carlo Murineddu


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Short summary
Wind turbines produce strong seismic noise that can disturb nearby sensitive instruments, like seismic sensors. We examines the noise from one of Italy's largest wind farms, near the proposed site for the Einstein Telescope, a future gravitational wave observatory. We find that the turbines generate noticeable noise peaks, detectable up to 13 km. Despite the excellent noise suppression at borehole sensors, small noise disturbances are detectable when the wind park operates at full capacity.