02 Dec 2024
 | 02 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Exploring the Aerosol Activation Properties in a Coastal Area Using Cloud and Particle-resolving Models

Ge Yu, Yueya Wang, Zhe Wang, and Xiaoming Shi

Abstract. Atmospheric aerosols significantly impact the global climate by affecting the Earth's radiative balance and cloud formation. However, conducting high-altitude aerosol observations is currently costly and challenging, leading to gaps in accurately assessing aerosol activation properties during cloud formation. In this study, the Cloud Model 1 (CM1) is employed to investigate the movement of air parcels under shallow convection conditions in a coastal area. Subsequently, the evolution of various aerosol populations in the ideal scenarios is simulated by the PartMC-MOSAIC model to investigate their activation properties. It is found that leaving the boundary layer and entering the free atmosphere causes environmental changes in the parcels, which in turn alter the aerosol evolution and the cloud-forming potential. The impact of ascent timing is notably manifested in the concentration of ammonium nitrate rather than other chemical constituents. The rapid formation of ammonium nitrate accelerates the aerosol aging process, thereby modifying the hygroscopicity of the population. The differences between the aerosol populations in the boundary layer and high altitudes highlight the necessity of vertical observations and numerical modeling. In addition, as supersaturation rises from 0.1 % to 1 %, the relative discrepancy in cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation ratio between the particle-resolved results and the internal mixing assumption increases from 7 % to 30 %. This emphasizes the potential of appropriate mixing state parameterization in assessing aerosol activation properties. This study advances the understanding of aerosol hygroscopic changes under real weather conditions and offers insights into future modeling of aerosol-cloud microphysics.

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Ge Yu, Yueya Wang, Zhe Wang, and Xiaoming Shi

Status: open (until 13 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Ge Yu, Yueya Wang, Zhe Wang, and Xiaoming Shi
Ge Yu, Yueya Wang, Zhe Wang, and Xiaoming Shi
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 02 Dec 2024
Short summary
Studying the cloud-forming capacity of aerosols is crucial in climate research. The PartMC model can provide detailed particle information and help these studies. This model is integrated with the ideal meteorological Cloud Model 1 (CM1) to simulate the aerosols at cloud-forming locations. Significant changes are revealed in the hygroscopicity distribution of aerosols within ascending air parcels. Additionally, different ascent times also affect aerosol aging processes.