05 Dec 2024
 | 05 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Leveraging Citizen Science, LiDAR, and Machine Learning for Snow Depth Estimation in Complex Terrain Environments

Dane Liljestrand, Ryan Johnson, Bethany Neilson, Patrick Strong, and Elizabeth Cotter

Abstract. The majority of the water supply for many Western US states is derived from seasonal snowmelt in mountainous regions. This study aims to address gaps in basin-scale snowpack modeling by using a multi-step, Gaussian-based machine learning model to generate rapid, high-resolution, snow depth estimates at minimal cost by combining citizen-science snowdepth observations with static LiDAR terrain features collected at a single snow-free date. We focus on reducing personnel danger by modifying the algorithm to minimize the exposure of field sample collectors to avalanche-prone terrain. Using snow observations taken solely within a subbasin (∼9-km2) of a larger basin (∼70-km2), a basin-scale snow depth estimate is modeled for a given date throughout the snow season. Results show that a small number of observations (i.e., 10) within a subbasin can realize snow depth across the greater basin with high accuracy, with a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.37 m, and Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) of 0.59 when compared to the true snow depth distribution. We test the universality of the algorithm by modeling multiple subbasins of differing spatial characteristics and find similar results. The algorithm shows consistent performance across subbasins with varying spatial characteristics and maintains accuracy even when highrisk avalanche areas are excluded. This method exhibits a potential for citizen-scientist data to safely provide seamless modeled snow depth across different spatial ranges in snow-covered basins.

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Dane Liljestrand, Ryan Johnson, Bethany Neilson, Patrick Strong, and Elizabeth Cotter

Status: open (until 16 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Dane Liljestrand, Ryan Johnson, Bethany Neilson, Patrick Strong, and Elizabeth Cotter

Data sets

Franklin Basin, UT, USA Snow-On LiDAR Dane Liljestrand, Bethany Neilson, and Carlos Oroza

Dane Liljestrand, Ryan Johnson, Bethany Neilson, Patrick Strong, and Elizabeth Cotter


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Short summary
This work introduces a model specifically designed for high-resolution snow depth estimation, leveraging citizen-science snow observations and snow-off LiDAR terrain features to provide an accessible and cost-effective method for snowpack modeling in regions lacking high-quality data products or collection networks. This work demonstrates that reliable basin-scale snow depth estimates can be achieved in difficult environments with very few observations and low institutional costs.