16 Dec 2024
 | 16 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Analysis of raindrop size distribution from the double moment cloud microphysics scheme for monsoon over a tropical station

Kadavathu Sreekumar Apsara, Jayakumar Aravindakshan, Anurose Theethai Jacob, Saji Mohandas, Paul Field, Hamish Gordan, Thara Prabhakaran, Mahen Konwar, and Vijapurap Srinivasa Prasad

Abstract. Accurate precipitation forecasting hinges on the representation of microphysical processes within numerical models. A key approach to understanding these processes is through the analysis of hydrometeor drop size distribution (DSD). The characteristics of DSD bulk parameters:-Mass Weighted Mean Diameter (Dm) and the Normalized Number Concentration parameter (Nw), are estimated from the double moment cloud microphysical scheme (CASIM: Cloud-Aerosol Interacting Microphysics) employed in the operational convection permitted model of National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fore- casting (NCUM-R). The observations from the Joss-Valdvogel Disdrometer (JWD) and the Global Precipitation Mission – Dual Frequency Precipitation Radar (GPM-DPR) are analyzed for providing essential validation. An algorithm for separating the monsoon precipitation into convective and stratiform types in NCUM-R and a new parameter estimation module to obtain DSD parameters from the CASIM are established in the study. The model exhibits agreement with the characteristics of the DSD of raindrops with Dm ranging from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm marking the majority of the monsoon precipitation events. However, the underestimation when it comes to the larger drops (with Dm > 3.25 mm and Rainrate >= 8 mm/hr) demands a reassessment in microphysical parameterizations. The advanced autoconversion parameterization scheme applied in CASIM favored the growth of large drops compared to the existing scheme. The enhanced growth of larger drops is reflected in the increased accuracy in the prediction of extreme precipitation associated with a convective event. The current study underscores the importance of refining microphysical parameterizations to improve the accuracy of precipitation forecasts offering a pathway for enhanced model performance in future operational forecasting systems.

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Kadavathu Sreekumar Apsara, Jayakumar Aravindakshan, Anurose Theethai Jacob, Saji Mohandas, Paul Field, Hamish Gordan, Thara Prabhakaran, Mahen Konwar, and Vijapurap Srinivasa Prasad

Status: open (until 27 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Kadavathu Sreekumar Apsara, Jayakumar Aravindakshan, Anurose Theethai Jacob, Saji Mohandas, Paul Field, Hamish Gordan, Thara Prabhakaran, Mahen Konwar, and Vijapurap Srinivasa Prasad
Kadavathu Sreekumar Apsara, Jayakumar Aravindakshan, Anurose Theethai Jacob, Saji Mohandas, Paul Field, Hamish Gordan, Thara Prabhakaran, Mahen Konwar, and Vijapurap Srinivasa Prasad
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 16 Dec 2024
Short summary
Science has made significant strides in weather prediction, especially for intense tropical rainfall that can lead to floods and landslides. Our study aims to improve monsoon rainfall forecasts by analyzing raindrop sizes. Using a new approach to model raindrop growth, we achieved a more accurate depiction of large rainfall events. These improvements can be generalized to enhance early warning systems, offering reliable predictions that help reduce risks from severe tropical weather events.