20 Nov 2024
 | 20 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Cold pools mediate mesoscale adjustments of trade-cumulus fields to changes in cloud-droplet number concentration

Pouriya Alinaghi, Fredrik Jansson, Daniel A. Blázquez, and Franziska Glassmeier

Abstract. The mesoscale self-organization of trade-cumulus cloud fields is a major cloud-climate uncertainty. Cold pools, i.e. pockets of cold, dense air resulting from rain evaporation, are a key mechanism in shaping these dynamics and are controlled by the large-scale forcing. We study the microphysical sensitivity of cloud-field self-organization through cold pools by varying cloud-droplet number concentration Nc from 20 to 1000 /cm3 in large-eddy simulations on large 154×154 km2-domains. We find that cold pools exhibit two distinct regimes of mesoscale self-organization. In very low-Nc conditions, cold pools transition from a stage where they are small and randomly distributed to forming large, long-lived structures that perpetuate due to the collisions of cold pools at their fronts. Under high-Nc conditions, cold pools display strongly intermittent behaviour and interact with clouds through small, short-lived structures. While Nc thus influences the number of cold pools and, in turn, mesoscale organization, cloud depth, and cloud albedo, we find its effect on cloud cover to be minimal. Comparing the microphysical sensitivity of cold-pool-mediated mesoscale dynamics to the external, large-scale forcing shows that Nc is as important as horizontal wind and large-scale subsidence for trade-cumulus albedo. Our results highlight that cold pools mediate adjustments of trade-cumulus cloud fields to changes in Nc. Such mesoscale adjustments need to be considered if we are to better constrain the effective aerosol forcing and cloud feedback in the trade-wind regime.

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Pouriya Alinaghi, Fredrik Jansson, Daniel A. Blázquez, and Franziska Glassmeier

Status: open (until 10 Jan 2025)

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Pouriya Alinaghi, Fredrik Jansson, Daniel A. Blázquez, and Franziska Glassmeier
Pouriya Alinaghi, Fredrik Jansson, Daniel A. Blázquez, and Franziska Glassmeier


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Short summary
Shallow clouds in the trades are a major source of uncertainty in climate projections. These clouds organize into striking mesoscale patterns that are exactly what climate models lack. This study explores the origin of such patterns and investigates how variations in microscale properties control them. The importance of microscale effects is compared to that of large-scale forcing on the mesoscale organization of trade-cumulus fields.