13 Dec 2024
 | 13 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

New Radar Altimetry Datasets of Greenland and Antarctic Surface Elevation, 1991–2012

Maya Raghunath Suryawanshi, Malcolm McMillan, Jennifer Maddalena, Fanny Piras, Jérémie Aublanc, Jean-Alexis Daguzé, Clara Grau, and Qi Huang

Abstract. Over the past three decades, there has been a 4.5-fold increase in the loss of ice from the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets, resulting in an enhanced contribution to global sea level rise. Accurately tracking these changes in ice mass requires comprehensive, long-term measurements, which are only feasible from space. Satellite radar altimetry provides the longest near-continuous record of ice sheet surface elevation and volume change, dating back to the launch of ERS-1 in 1991, and maintained through the successive ERS-2, Envisat, CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 missions. To reliably constrain multi-decadal trends in ice sheet imbalance, and to place current observations within a longer-term context, requires continued efforts to optimise the processing of data acquired by the older historical missions, and to evaluate the accuracy of these measurements. Here, we present new ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat altimeter datasets, which are derived using consistent and improved retrieval methods, and provide measurements of ice sheet elevation spanning two decades. Through comparison with independent airborne datasets, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the accuracy of these measurements, and the improvements delivered relative to previously available products. These new datasets will be of benefit to a broad range of applications, including the quantification of ice sheet mass imbalance, investigations of the processes driving contemporary ice loss, and the constraint of numerical ice sheet models.

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Maya Raghunath Suryawanshi, Malcolm McMillan, Jennifer Maddalena, Fanny Piras, Jérémie Aublanc, Jean-Alexis Daguzé, Clara Grau, and Qi Huang

Status: open (until 13 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3446', Anonymous Referee #1, 17 Jan 2025 reply
Maya Raghunath Suryawanshi, Malcolm McMillan, Jennifer Maddalena, Fanny Piras, Jérémie Aublanc, Jean-Alexis Daguzé, Clara Grau, and Qi Huang
Maya Raghunath Suryawanshi, Malcolm McMillan, Jennifer Maddalena, Fanny Piras, Jérémie Aublanc, Jean-Alexis Daguzé, Clara Grau, and Qi Huang


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Short summary
Increasing melting rates of the polar Ice Sheets are contributing more and more to sea level rise. Due to the remoteness and expanse of ice sheets these changes are mainly observed using satellites. However, the accuracy of these measurements depends on the processing of these datasets. Here we use advanced algorithms to provide improved historical ice sheet elevation measurements, derived from satellite altimeters flying between 1991 and 2012, which will benefit to cryospheric applications.