15 Nov 2024
 | 15 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Ozone pollution may limit the benefits of irrigation to wheat productivity in India

Gabriella Everett, Øivind Hodnebrog, Madhoolika Agrawal, Durgesh Singh Yadav, Connie O'Neill, Chubamenla Jamir, Jo Cook, Pritha Pande, and Lisa Emberson

Abstract. Ground level ozone (O3) pollution, heat and water stress are recognised as key abiotic stresses which threaten the ability of wheat yields to meet the growing demand for food production in India. The magnitude and interplay of O3 and water-stress effects are tightly coupled via stomatal conductance and the transpiration pathway. Existing modelling methods that assess stress response as a function of O3- and water vapour-stomatal flux are applied to assess O3’s role in limiting productivity afforded by irrigation. We investigate the effect of these stresses on grain yield of older (HUW-234) vs recently released (HD-3118) Indian wheat cultivars under current and future climates and O3 precursor emission profiles (using RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios). Water-stress in rainfed conditions was modelled to analyse the trade-off between O3-induced vs. water-stress-induced yield loss to quantify the extent to which water-stress mitigates O3 stress via reduced stomatal conductance. Under rainfed conditions for the years 1996-2005, the mean water-stress-induced and O3-induced yield loss for HUW-234 was 13.3 % and 0.6 % respectively. The latter was a significant decrease from the mean O3-induced yield loss of 10.6 % modelled under irrigated conditions (i.e. no water stress). Similarly, under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for the mid-century, water-stress induced yield losses under rainfed conditions were 10.1 % and 20.0 %, while mean O3-induced yield losses were only 1.0 % and 0.1 % respectively. Under irrigation, O3-induced yield losses increased to 18.5 % and 13.7 %, suggesting that O3 stress will negate the beneficial effects of irrigation. The cultivar HD-3118 suffered on average 0.2 % greater O3 relative yield loss (O3RYL) than HUW-234 across all scenarios. The O3RYL increased with climate change under the RCP4.5 scenario by 7.9 % and RCP8.5 by 3.0 % compared to the current climate. Together these findings suggest that O3 may continue to substantially limit the productivity benefits of the use of modern cultivars bred for high gas exchange grown under irrigated conditions in India.

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Gabriella Everett, Øivind Hodnebrog, Madhoolika Agrawal, Durgesh Singh Yadav, Connie O'Neill, Chubamenla Jamir, Jo Cook, Pritha Pande, and Lisa Emberson

Status: open (until 24 Jan 2025)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3371', Anonymous Referee #1, 19 Dec 2024 reply
Gabriella Everett, Øivind Hodnebrog, Madhoolika Agrawal, Durgesh Singh Yadav, Connie O'Neill, Chubamenla Jamir, Jo Cook, Pritha Pande, and Lisa Emberson
Gabriella Everett, Øivind Hodnebrog, Madhoolika Agrawal, Durgesh Singh Yadav, Connie O'Neill, Chubamenla Jamir, Jo Cook, Pritha Pande, and Lisa Emberson


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Short summary
Ground-level ozone (O3), heat, and water stress (WS) reduce wheat yields, threatening food security in India. O3, heat, and WS interact as stressed plants close stomata, limiting O3 entry and damage. This study models O3 uptake under rainfed (WS) and irrigated conditions for current and future climates. Results show little O3-related yield loss under wWS but higher losses with irrigation. Both climate scenarios increase O3-related losses, highlighting risks to India’s wheat productivity.