30 Oct 2024
 | 30 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

ICON-HAM-lite: simulating the Earth system with interactive aerosols at kilometer scales

Philipp Weiss, Ross Herbert, and Philip Stier

Abstract. Aerosols strongly influence Earth's climate as they scatter and absorb radiation and serve as condensation nuclei for cloud droplets and ice particles. New Earth system models that run at kilometer resolutions allow us to examine long-standing questions related to these interactions. To perform kilometer-scale simulations with the Earth system model ICON-MPIM, we developed the one-moment aerosol module HAM-lite. HAM-lite was derived from the two-moment module HAM. Like in HAM, aerosols are represented as an ensemble of log-normal modes. Unlike in HAM, aerosol sizes and compositions are prescribed, which reduces the computational costs significantly. Here, we present a first global simulation with four aerosol modes at a resolution of five kilometers and over a period of one year. The simulation captured key aerosol processes including, for example, the emission of dust aerosols by convective storms in the Sahara and the interactions between sea salt aerosols and tropical cyclones in the Pacific.

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Philipp Weiss, Ross Herbert, and Philip Stier

Status: open (until 25 Dec 2024)

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Philipp Weiss, Ross Herbert, and Philip Stier
Philipp Weiss, Ross Herbert, and Philip Stier


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Short summary
Aerosols strongly influence Earth's climate as they interact with radiation and clouds. New Earth system models run at resolutions of a few kilometers. To simulate the Earth system with interactive aerosols, we developed a new aerosol module. It represents aerosols as an ensemble of log-normal modes with given sizes and compositions. We present a year-long simulation with four modes at a resolution of five kilometers. It captures key aerosol processes like dust storms or tropical cyclones.