05 Dec 2024
 | 05 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).

Estimating the variability of deep ocean particle flux collected by sediment traps using satellite data and machine learning

Théo Picard, Chelsey A. Baker, Jonathan Gula, Ronan Fablet, Laurent Mémery, and Richard Lampitt

Abstract. The gravitational pump plays a key role in the ocean carbon cycle by exporting sinking organic carbon from the surface to the deep ocean. Deep sediment trap time-series provide unique measurements of this sequestered carbon flux. Sinking particles are influenced by physical short-term spatio-temporal variability, which inhibits the establishment of a direct link to their surface origin. In this study, we present a novel machine learning tool, designated as Unetsst-ssh, which is capable of predicting the catchment area of particles captured by sediment traps moored at a depth of 3000 m above the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP), based solely on surface data. The machine learning tool was trained and evaluated using Lagrangian experiments in a realistic CROCO numerical simulation. The conventional approach of assuming a static 100–200 km box over the sediment trap location, only yields an average prediction of ∼25 % of the source region, whilst Unetsst-ssh predicts ∼50 %. Unetsst-ssh was then applied to satellite observations to create a 20-year catchment area dataset, which demonstrates a stronger correlation between the PAP site deep particle fluxes and surface chlorophyll concentration, compared with the conventional approach. However, predictions remain highly sensitive to the local deep dynamics which are not observed in surface ocean dynamics. The improved identification of the particle source region for deep ocean sediment traps can facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms driving the export of particles from the surface to the deep ocean, a key component of the biological carbon pump.

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Théo Picard, Chelsey A. Baker, Jonathan Gula, Ronan Fablet, Laurent Mémery, and Richard Lampitt

Status: open (until 21 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3292', Anonymous Referee #1, 20 Jan 2025 reply
Théo Picard, Chelsey A. Baker, Jonathan Gula, Ronan Fablet, Laurent Mémery, and Richard Lampitt

Data sets

Catchment areas of PAP sediment traps at 3000m depth from 2000 to 2022 Théo Picard

Model code and software

SPARO: v2.0.0 Théo Picard

Video abstract

Video for learning-based prediction of the particles catchment area of PAP sediment traps Théo Picard

Théo Picard, Chelsey A. Baker, Jonathan Gula, Ronan Fablet, Laurent Mémery, and Richard Lampitt


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Short summary
Ocean sediment traps measure the sequestrated sinking organic carbon. While sinking, the particles are affected by local currents, which presents a challenge in linking the deep flux with the surface. We present a machine learning tool that predicts the source location of the sinking particles based on satellite data. The predictions demonstrate a stronger correlation between surface and deep carbon fluxes, allowing a more comprehensive understanding of the deep carbon sequestration drivers.