11 Nov 2024
 | 11 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Physical-chemical properties of particles in hailstones from Central Argentina

Anthony C. Bernal Ayala, Angela K. Rowe, Lucia E. Arena, and William O. Nachlas

Abstract. This study presents a novel analysis of two hailstones collected in central Argentina to provide insights into the size distribution, composition, and potential sources of non-soluble particles within hailstones. Using this new method, non-soluble particles are trapped beneath a thin layer of polyvinyl resin and analyzed with Confocal Laser and Scanning Electron Microscopy combined with Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy, preserving their in-situ location and physical characteristics. The study characterized these particles' distribution, shape, and size and identified their elemental composition, which is used to interpret possible source regions. Particles ranged in diameter from 1.2 to 256.0 microns, with the largest found in hailstone embryos. Agglomerated mineral and organic particles dominated the elemental composition, followed by organics and quartz, and were present throughout the hailstones. Agglomerated salt particles detected in one sample were traced to a nearby salt lake, while copper chloride and zinc chloride particles found in the second sample were potentially associated with agrochemicals commonly used for pest control and fertilizer, including in Argentina. Various local and regional land-use types, including shrublands, mixed vegetation, croplands, and urban areas, were linked to specific types of particles. This study, therefore, highlights the regional influence of various land use types on hail formation and growth, pointing to the potential impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors on hailstone composition.

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Anthony C. Bernal Ayala, Angela K. Rowe, Lucia E. Arena, and William O. Nachlas

Status: open (until 23 Dec 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3215', Anonymous Referee #1, 02 Dec 2024 reply
Anthony C. Bernal Ayala, Angela K. Rowe, Lucia E. Arena, and William O. Nachlas
Anthony C. Bernal Ayala, Angela K. Rowe, Lucia E. Arena, and William O. Nachlas


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Short summary
This study analyzed particles in hailstones from Argentina to better understand hail formation and growth. A unique method was used that revealed the particles’ size, composition, and location within the hail, including a variety of particle sizes and compositions linked to local land uses, such as mountainous, agricultural, and urban. The findings highlight the potential impacts of natural and human-related factors on hail formation and provide a new method for studying hail globally.