22 Oct 2024
 | 22 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

The satellite chlorophyll signature of Lagrangian eddy trapping varies regionally and seasonally within a subtropical gyre

Alexandra E. Jones-Kellett and Michael J. Follows

Abstract. Vertical motions of mesoscale ocean eddies modulate the resource environment, productivity, and phytoplankton biomass in the ocean's subtropical gyres. The horizontal circulations can trap or disperse the eddy-driven chlorophyll anomalies, which can be observed from space. From two decades of satellite remote sensing observations in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG), we compared the chlorophyll anomalies within "leaky" eddy boundaries identified using an Eulerian Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) method, and within strictly coherent "trapping" bounds derived from Lagrangian particle simulations. On average, NPSG Lagrangian coherent vortices maintain stronger chlorophyll anomalies than Eulerian SLA eddies due to the limitation of lateral dilution. This is observed in both cyclones and anticyclones. However, there is variability in the biological signature of trapping by sub-region and season. Eddy trapping of positive chlorophyll anomalies is most significant in the southern regions of the NPSG, counter to expectations from the latitudinal trend of the nonlinearity parameter. We found weak relationships between eddy age and the magnitude of surface chlorophyll anomalies in most observations of long-lived Lagrangian coherent vortices with the strongest exception in wintertime anticyclones in the Lee of the Hawaiian Islands. These results challenge the assumption that Eulerian-identified mesoscale eddy boundaries are coherent and suggest that Lagrangian trapping, combined with regional and seasonal factors, shapes the chlorophyll concentrations of subtropical mesoscale eddies.

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Alexandra E. Jones-Kellett and Michael J. Follows

Status: open (until 18 Dec 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3211', Anonymous Referee #1, 18 Dec 2024 reply
Alexandra E. Jones-Kellett and Michael J. Follows

Data sets

North Pacific Subtropical Gyre RCLV Atlas (version 2) Alexandra E. Jones-Kellett

Model code and software

RCLVAtlas Alexandra E. Jones-Kellett

Alexandra E. Jones-Kellett and Michael J. Follows


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Short summary
Eddies are rotating ocean currents up to hundreds of kilometers in diameter and phytoplankton are affected by their motions. We used satellites and simulations of currents to examine the effect of eddy trapping strength on phytoplankton concentration. Coherent eddies localize phytoplankton, whereas dispersive ones have lower concentrations because they mix with surrounding waters. However, we highlight the complex regional and seasonal variability of biological-physical interactions in eddies.