18 Oct 2024
 | 18 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Explaining the period fluctuation of the quasi-biennial oscillation

Young-Ha Kim

Abstract. The tropical stratosphere is characterized by a periodic oscillation of wind direction between westerly and easterly, known as the quasi-biennial oscillation, which modulates middle atmospheric circulations and surface climate on interannual time scales. The oscillation period fluctuates irregularly between 20 and 35 months. The causes of this fluctuation have long been hypothesized but lack observational evidence. This study shows that the period fluctuation is primarily driven by variability in small-scale wave (gravity wave) activity. Using an atmospheric reanalysis dataset, we capture temporal variations in small-scale wave activity that are coherent with the varying speed of the oscillation. This wave activity variation stems from the seasonality of tropical convection and tropopause-layer wind, revealing their fundamental role in modulating the quasi-biennial period. Our findings suggest that better representing these multi-scale interactions in models can enhance the accuracy of seasonal forecasts and the reliability of future climate projections.

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Young-Ha Kim

Status: open (until 29 Nov 2024)

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  • AC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3195', Young-Ha Kim, 20 Oct 2024 reply
Young-Ha Kim
Young-Ha Kim


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Short summary
The paper addresses a fundamental but unresolved question about the stratospheric wind oscillation: why does the period of the oscillation fluctuate irregularly? We use global reanalysis data to provide evidence that the oscillation period is primarily modulated by seasonal variations in small-scale atmospheric wave activity. The findings have implications for seasonal and climate predictions.