14 Oct 2024
 | 14 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Strike-slip kinematics from crustal to outcrop-scale: the impact of the material properties on the analogue modelling

Luigi Massaro, Jürgen Adam, Elham Jonade, Silvia Negrão, and Yasuhiro Yamada

Abstract. Strike-slip fault zones commonly display complex kinematics and 3D geometries, with high structural variability along strike and with depth. In this regard, analogue modelling techniques represent a powerful tool for investigating the structural, kinematic and mechanical deformation processes at various scales. In detail, dynamically scaled experiments allow the direct comparison between model and natural systems. The geometric scaling factor defines the model resolution, in terms of model/prototype length equivalence, and depends on the mechanical and physical properties of the prototype and analogue materials.

In this paper, systematic strike-slip experiments were performed by applying four different model materials to investigate the deformation dynamics at various scales and to highlight the impact of the physical and mechanical properties of the model material on the experiments. The applied model materials showed a non-linear strain-dependent deformation behaviour while providing different dynamically scaled geometric scaling factors.

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) analyses of the experiments allowed a quantitative comparison of the displacement and strain fields at different stages of the dextral displacement above a single planar basement fault. The analysis of the localisation and development of the fractures in the strike-slip shear zones enabled the comparison of the different structural styles and dynamics observable at various levels of resolution. Therefore, the application of such a multi-scale approach in dynamically scaled experiments can provide new insights into the investigation of complex deformation processes with analogue modelling techniques.

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Luigi Massaro, Jürgen Adam, Elham Jonade, Silvia Negrão, and Yasuhiro Yamada

Status: open (until 25 Nov 2024)

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Luigi Massaro, Jürgen Adam, Elham Jonade, Silvia Negrão, and Yasuhiro Yamada
Luigi Massaro, Jürgen Adam, Elham Jonade, Silvia Negrão, and Yasuhiro Yamada


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Short summary
In this manuscript, we investigated the kinematics and dynamics of strike-slip damage zones using laboratory mechanical tests and analogue modelling techniques. The results underline the importance of a multi-scale approach (from crustal to outcrop-scale) to improve the understanding of such deformation processes, deriving fundamental correlations with the physical and mechanical properties of the model materials applied in the experiments.