11 Nov 2024
 | 11 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Measurement report: Insight into Greenhouse Gas Emission Characteristics of Light-Duty Vehicles in China Driven by Technological Innovation

Xinping Yang, Jia Ke, Zhihui Huang, Yi Wen, Dailin Yin, Zhen Jiang, Zhigang Yue, Yunjing Wang, Songdi Liao, Hang Yin, and Yan Ding

Abstract. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions represent a pivotal driver of global climate change, with vehicular emissions, particularly from light-duty vehicles, emerging as a prominent source of GHGs. Despite extensive research on gaseous pollutants, studies on GHG emissions within the framework of carbon neutrality remain scarce. This study delves into the emission characteristics of three primary GHGs (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)) from various light-duty vehicles, encompassing conventional gasoline and hybrid vehicles, and bi-fuel taxis. As anticipated, with advancements in emission standards and powertrains, vehicular GHG emissions have significantly decreased. However, our findings also revealed surprising trends. While engine technology upgrades reduced CO2, they unexpectedly increased CH4 and N2O emissions. Additionally, hot starts, beneficial for reducing CO2 and CH4 emissions, caused heightened N2O emissions, which is noteworthy under operating conditions with frequent start-stop events. Intriguingly, compressed natural gas (CNG), generally perceived as cleaner, increased CH4 emissions. Regarding the impact of Three-Way Catalysts (TWC) on GHG emissions, under “TWC failed” conditions, N2O emissions from CNG-powered vehicles were approximately three times higher than those under “TWC worked” conditions, attributed to the significant increase in NOx. Considering the global warming potential (GWP), the "TWC failure" scenario paradoxically decreased GWP values, highlighting the complex interaction between emission control technologies and their environmental impacts. This study provides crucial insights into vehicular GHG emissions, which are essential for developing effective strategies aimed at mitigating emissions and enhancing the efficiency of emission control systems.

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Xinping Yang, Jia Ke, Zhihui Huang, Yi Wen, Dailin Yin, Zhen Jiang, Zhigang Yue, Yunjing Wang, Songdi Liao, Hang Yin, and Yan Ding

Status: open (until 12 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Xinping Yang, Jia Ke, Zhihui Huang, Yi Wen, Dailin Yin, Zhen Jiang, Zhigang Yue, Yunjing Wang, Songdi Liao, Hang Yin, and Yan Ding

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Insight into Greenhouse Gas Emission Characteristics of Light-Duty Vehicles in China Driven by Technological Innovation X. Yang et al.

Xinping Yang, Jia Ke, Zhihui Huang, Yi Wen, Dailin Yin, Zhen Jiang, Zhigang Yue, Yunjing Wang, Songdi Liao, Hang Yin, and Yan Ding


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Short summary
Given the limitation of insufficient research on greenhouse gas emission characteristics of light-duty vehicles in China against the dual-carbon background, we conducted chassis dynamometer tests on over ten vehicles and elaborated in detail on the characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles driven by technological updates.