09 Oct 2024
 | 09 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Ocean wave spectra bias correction through energy conservation for climate change impacts

Andrea Lira Loarca and Giovanni Besio

Abstract. A novel bias-adjustment technique for the 2D directional wave spectra is presented, which accounts for the intraannual temporal variability of waves and the conservation of the wave energy integrated parameter and its extreme distribution, allowing for shifts in frequency and direction given by the GCM-RCM climate signal for the complete multimodal energy distribution. This work represents a first attempt to address the biases inherent in GCM-RCMs wave spectra simulations for an assessment of the magnitudes of the projected changes under a climate change scenario. The bias-correction method is applied to a multi-model ensemble of seventeen EURO-CORDEX regional simulations of wave spectra in eleven locations of the Mediterranean Sea. Climate change impacts are assessed by means of the changes between the bias-adjusted ensemble and hindcast wave spectra for mid-century conditions from 2034 until 2060 and end-of-century from 2064 until 2100. Results highlight the need for novel bias-correction techniques that address the complexity of the possible directional and frequency shifts due to climate change, in order to provide an accurate assessment of projected future changes in wave climate.

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Andrea Lira Loarca and Giovanni Besio

Status: open (until 04 Dec 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2947: Mangled Figures', Ole Pinner, 15 Oct 2024 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Andrea Lira Loarca, 15 Oct 2024 reply
Andrea Lira Loarca and Giovanni Besio
Andrea Lira Loarca and Giovanni Besio


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Short summary
A new method improves the accuracy of climate models by adjusting wave spectra simulations in the Mediterranean Sea. It corrects biases and accounts for changes in wave patterns due to climate change, such as shifts in direction and frequency. This technique was applied to multiple climate models, assessing future wave conditions for mid and end-of-century scenarios. The results underline the importance of precise corrections to better predict how waves may evolve as the climate changes.