19 Nov 2024
 | 19 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Impacts of Barrier-Island Breaching on Mainland Flooding During Storm Events applied to Moriches, NY

Catherine Renae Jeffries, Robert Weiss, Jennifer L. Irish, and Kyle Mandli

Abstract. Barrier islands can protect the mainland from flooding during storms through reduction of storm surge and dissipation of storm generated wave energy. However, the protective capability is reduced when barrier islands breach and a direct hydrodynamic connection between the water bodies on both sides of the barrier island is established. Breaching of barrier islands during large storm events is complicated, involving nonlinear processes that connect water, sediment transport, dune height, and island width among other factors. In order to assess how barrier island breaching impacts flooding on the mainland, we used a statistical approach to analyze the sensitivity of mainland storm-surge to barrier island breaching by randomizing the location, time, and extent of a breach event. We created a framework that allows breaching to develop during the course of a simulation and imposes a breach in an approximation of a Gaussian bell-curve that deepens over time. We show that simulating a storm event and varying the size, location, and number of breaches in the barrier island that mainland storm surge and horizontal inundation is affected by breaching; total inundation has a logarithmic relationship with total breach area which tapers off after the entire island is removed. Breach location is also an important predictor of inundation and bay surge. The insights we've gleaned from this study can help prepare shoreline communities for the differing ways that breaching affects the mainland coastline. Understanding which mainland locations are vulnerable to breaching, planners and coastal engineers can design interventions to reduce the likelihood of a breach occurring in areas adjacent to high flood risk.

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Catherine Renae Jeffries, Robert Weiss, Jennifer L. Irish, and Kyle Mandli

Status: open (until 02 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2929', Anonymous Referee #1, 05 Dec 2024 reply
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2929', Adam Switzer, 05 Dec 2024 reply
Catherine Renae Jeffries, Robert Weiss, Jennifer L. Irish, and Kyle Mandli
Catherine Renae Jeffries, Robert Weiss, Jennifer L. Irish, and Kyle Mandli


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Short summary
Barrier islands are important to their adjacent mainland coastline. Breaching of barrier islands creates a channel of water between the ocean and bay and increases the storm surge along the mainland coast. To examine how breaching impacts the coast we simulated a hurricane and varied the number, locations, and sizes of different breaches. We learned that total breach area directly impacts coastal flooding, and breach locations are an important predictor of flooding.