01 Oct 2024
 | 01 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

June 21 and 25, 2015 CMEs interaction's results on Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere

Somaiyeh Sabri and Stefaan Poedts

Abstract. This research utilizes the Gorgon-Space code to simulate the behavior of plasma in the magnetosphere due to its capacity to replicate a vast area. Having a good understanding of the solar wind's characteristics, its relationship with the Earth's magnetic field, the various plasma populations in the Earth's magnetic field, and how they are connected to the ionosphere is greatly dependent on the explanation provided by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma. Moreover, the European Heliosphere Forecasting Information Asset (EUHFORIA) serves as a mathematical tool to investigate the movement of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) within the solar wind and, more importantly, determine their estimated arrival time on Earth. To sum up, the research results indicate that the simulation programs EUHFORIA and Gorgon-Space demonstrate a strong correlation in simulating these intricate interactions between the sun and Earth. Additionally, it was observed that when CME1 interacts with Earth, it generates a significant electric potential in the ionosphere. It was discovered that the increased electric potential in the ionosphere is also responsible for accelerating particles.

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Somaiyeh Sabri and Stefaan Poedts

Status: open (until 17 Nov 2024)

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Somaiyeh Sabri and Stefaan Poedts
Somaiyeh Sabri and Stefaan Poedts


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Short summary
The effect of the CMEs on the Earth is a vital issue to support our life from their damage. Then, we considered to study how CMEs interact with the magnetosphere and ionosphere of the Earth. In this line, we find the arrival time of the CMEs with EUHFORIA and then investigate how the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere respond to the arrival CMEs. It was found that EUHFORIA and Gorgon-Space codes are in good agreement to study the CMEs propagation and their interaction with Earth.