23 Sep 2024
 | 23 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Effects of Ozone-Climate Interactions on the Temperature Variation in the Arctic Stratosphere

Siyi Zhao, Jiankai Zhang, Chongyang Zhang, and Zhe Wang

Abstract. Using reanalysis datasets and the Community Earth System Model (CESM), this study investigates the effects of ozone-climate interactions on the Arctic stratospheric temperature during winter and early spring. From 1980–1999, the Arctic stratospheric temperature increase significantly in early winter (November and December), which is primarily due to ozone-climate interactions. Specifically, the increasing trend in ozone during this period leads to longwave radiation cooling in the stratosphere. Meanwhile, ozone-climate interactions lead to a stratospheric state that enhances upward wave propagation and the downwelling branch of the Brewer-Dobson circulation, which in turn adiabatically warms the stratosphere and offsets the direct longwave radiative cooling of the ozone. Additionally, enhanced upward wave propagation can lead to an equatorward shifting of the stratospheric polar vortex toward the eastern coast of Eurasia, accompanied by zonally asymmetric anomalies in stratospheric temperature. In contrast, during late winter and spring, cooling trends in the Arctic stratosphere predominantly driven by the enhanced shortwave radiative cooling associated with stratospheric ozone depletion. After 2000, the response of the Arctic stratospheric temperature trend to ozone changes is weaker than that from 1980–1999. This study highlights the impacts of ozone-climate interactions on intraseasonal variability in the Arctic stratospheric temperature.

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Siyi Zhao, Jiankai Zhang, Chongyang Zhang, and Zhe Wang

Status: open (until 04 Nov 2024)

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Siyi Zhao, Jiankai Zhang, Chongyang Zhang, and Zhe Wang
Siyi Zhao, Jiankai Zhang, Chongyang Zhang, and Zhe Wang


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Short summary
By isolating the ozone-cycle coupling process, the study discusses how ozone-climate interaction affects the long-term change of the Arctic stratospheric temperature (AST). From 1980 to 1999, ozone-climate interactions increased AST by promoting upwave propagation and Brewer-Dobson circulation in early winter and reduced AST by reducing ozone shortwave heating in late winter and spring. Our results highlight the effect of ozone-climate interactions on intra-seasonal reversals of AST trends.