07 Oct 2024
 | 07 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Effects of Submarine Groundwater on Nutrient Concentration and Primary Production in a Deep Bay of the Japan Sea

Menghong Dong, Xinyu Guo, Takuya Matsuura, Taichi Tebakari, and Jing Zhang

Abstract. We constructed a coupled physical-ecosystem model with a tracking module to evaluate the influence of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and river water on nutrient distribution and phytoplankton growth in Toyama Bay, a deep bay in the Japan Sea. The tracking technique allows us to distinguish SGD- and river-derived nutrients in the bay and evaluate their contributions to the nutrient inventory and phytoplankton growth. Horizontally, SGD-derived nutrients were primarily distributed within a narrow band from the coastline (< 3 km), and vertically, they were abundant in the middle and bottom layers. Because of the buoyancy of SGD, SGD-derived nutrients were transported upward to the surface layer and used by the phytoplankton growth. On the other hand, river water exerted a greater effect on phytoplankton growth than SGD did, on both the spatial range and the amount of phytoplankton biomass. Due to the different distributions of river- and SGD-derived nutrients, their proportions used by phytoplankton differed from coastal to offshore areas. These findings enhance our understanding of the coastal ecosystems affected by land water.

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Menghong Dong, Xinyu Guo, Takuya Matsuura, Taichi Tebakari, and Jing Zhang

Status: open (until 18 Nov 2024)

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Menghong Dong, Xinyu Guo, Takuya Matsuura, Taichi Tebakari, and Jing Zhang
Menghong Dong, Xinyu Guo, Takuya Matsuura, Taichi Tebakari, and Jing Zhang


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Short summary
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), a common coastal hydrological process that involves submarine inflow of groundwater into the sea, is associated with a large nutrient load. To clarify the distribution of SGD-derived nutrients after release at the bottom of the sea and their contribution to phytoplankton growth in the marine ecosystem, we modeled the SGD process in Toyama Bay using a specialized computer code that can distinguish SGD-derived nutrients from nutrients from other sources.