02 Oct 2024
 | 02 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD).

Quantifying the local predictability of the 2021 sudden stratospheric warming event using a novel nonlinear method

Guiping Zhang, Xuan Li, Yang Li, Quanliang Chen, and Xin Zhou

Abstract. Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) is identified as a key role in improving the winter subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction, for its surface impacts up to two weeks through stratosphere troposphere coupling. A better understanding of the predictability of the SSW itself, thus, is fundamental. Most of the previous studies investigate the predictability of SSW events using linear approaches and give the approximate predictability.

In the study, we quantify the local predictability limit the 2021 SSW event, which caused cold extremes across East Asia and North America, by applying a nonlinear method, Backward Searching for the Initial Condition (BaSIC), within ERA5 reanalysis data and the S2S reforecasts. The nonlinear method BaSIC is advanced because the nature of SSW is a chaotic system with intrinsic properties, making it difficult to measure its predictability with traditional linear methods. The local predictability limit of this 2021 SSW event is estimated to be 17 days using BaSIC method, exceeding previous estimations by one to two weeks using linear methods.

To gain further insight into where the errors may originate and propagate, we trace the sources of forecast errors of this SSW to the area of the fastest error growth. At the beginning of the SSW forecast, the overall forecast errors are relatively small over the whole polar stratosphere; the errors grow slowly in the first 2 weeks, but increase rapidly in the mid-high latitudes over central Eurasia (30°–60° E) and propagate into the rest of Eurasia. This indicates that the forecast errors in the 2021 SSW event mainly originate from the high altitude over central Eurasia.

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Guiping Zhang, Xuan Li, Yang Li, Quanliang Chen, and Xin Zhou

Status: open (until 14 Nov 2024)

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Guiping Zhang, Xuan Li, Yang Li, Quanliang Chen, and Xin Zhou
Guiping Zhang, Xuan Li, Yang Li, Quanliang Chen, and Xin Zhou


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Short summary
We quantified the predictability of the 2021 severe SSW event, and obtained a longer predictability that up to 17 days than previous linear results. This means the S2S forecasts have the potential to predict the onset of the SSW event 17 days in advance, giving a time window for the surface weather forecast. We found high altitude over central Eurasia is the place where forecast errors originate from, which have great implications for future investment of model improvement.