12 Sep 2024
 | 12 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).

An information content approach to diagnosing and improving CLIMCAPS retrievals across instruments and satellites

Nadia Smith and Christopher D. Barnet

Abstract. The Community Long-term Infrared Microwave Combined Atmospheric Product System (CLIMCAPS) characterizes the atmospheric state as vertical profiles (commonly known as soundings or retrievals) of temperature, water vapor, CO2, CO, CH4, O3, HNO3 and N2O, together with a suite of Earth surface and cloud properties. The CLIMCAPS record spans more than two decades (2002–present) because it utilizes measurements from a series of different instruments on different satellite platforms. Most notably, these are AIRS+AMSU (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder + Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit) on Aqua and CrIS+ATMS (Cross-track Infrared Sounder + Advanced Thermal Microwave Sounder) on SNPP and the JPSS series. Both instrument suites are on satellite platforms in low-Earth orbit with local overpass times of ~1:30 am/pm. The CrIS interferometers are identical across the different platforms, but differ from AIRS, which is a grating spectrometer. At first order, CrIS+ATMS and AIRS+AMSU are similar enough to allow a continuous CLIMCAPS record, which was first released in 2020 as Version 2 (V2). In this paper, we take a closer look at CLIMCAPS V2 soundings from AIRS+AMSU (on Aqua) and CrIS+ATMS (on SNPP) to diagnose product continuity across the two instrument suites. We demonstrate how averaging kernels, as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) indicators, can be used to understand and improve multi-instrument systems such as CLIMCAPS. We conclude with recommendations for future CLIMCAPS upgrades.

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Nadia Smith and Christopher D. Barnet

Status: open (until 18 Oct 2024)

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Nadia Smith and Christopher D. Barnet

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CLIMCAPS-Aqua V2 record Chris Barnet and NASA Sounder SIPS

CLIMCAPS-SNPP full spectral resolution V2 record Chris Barnet and NASA Sounder SIPS

Nadia Smith and Christopher D. Barnet


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Short summary
CLIMCAPS extends the Aqua AIRS+AMSU record with retrievals from CrIS+ATMS on Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) and Joint Polar Satellite System series (JPSS-1 to JPSS-4). With “continuous” we mean a data record that is consistent in its characterization of natural variation despite changes in source instrumentation. Here we investigate how sounding continuity can improved across the full CLIMCAPS record (2002 to present day) spanning multiple instruments and satellites.