02 Oct 2024
 | 02 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Huge Ensembles Part II: Properties of a Huge Ensemble of Hindcasts Generated with Spherical Fourier Neural Operators

Ankur Mahesh, William Collins, Boris Bonev, Noah Brenowitz, Yair Cohen, Peter Harrington, Karthik Kashinath, Thorsten Kurth, Joshua North, Travis A. O'Brien, Michael Pritchard, David Pruitt, Mark Risser, Shashank Subramanian, and Jared Willard

Abstract. In Part I, we created an ensemble based on Spherical Fourier Neural Operators. As initial condition perturbations, we used bred vectors, and as model perturbations, we used multiple checkpoints trained independently from scratch. Based on diagnostics that assess the ensemble's physical fidelity, our ensemble has comparable performance to operational weather forecasting systems. However, it requires several orders of magnitude fewer computational resources. Here in Part II, we generate a huge ensemble (HENS), with 7,424 members initialized each day of summer 2023. We enumerate the technical requirements for running huge ensembles at this scale. HENS precisely samples the tails of the forecast distribution and presents a detailed sampling of internal variability. For extreme climate statistics, HENS samples events 4σ away from the ensemble mean. At each grid cell, HENS improves the skill of the most accurate ensemble member and enhances coverage of possible future trajectories. As a weather forecasting model, HENS issues extreme weather forecasts with better uncertainty quantification. It also reduces the probability of outlier events, in which the verification value lies outside the ensemble forecast distribution.

Ankur Mahesh, William Collins, Boris Bonev, Noah Brenowitz, Yair Cohen, Peter Harrington, Karthik Kashinath, Thorsten Kurth, Joshua North, Travis A. O'Brien, Michael Pritchard, David Pruitt, Mark Risser, Shashank Subramanian, and Jared Willard

Status: open (until 27 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Ankur Mahesh, William Collins, Boris Bonev, Noah Brenowitz, Yair Cohen, Peter Harrington, Karthik Kashinath, Thorsten Kurth, Joshua North, Travis A. O'Brien, Michael Pritchard, David Pruitt, Mark Risser, Shashank Subramanian, and Jared Willard

Data sets

Trained Machine Learning Model Weights Ankur Mahesh et al.

Model code and software

Ensemble Inference Code Ankur Mahesh et al.

Ankur Mahesh, William Collins, Boris Bonev, Noah Brenowitz, Yair Cohen, Peter Harrington, Karthik Kashinath, Thorsten Kurth, Joshua North, Travis A. O'Brien, Michael Pritchard, David Pruitt, Mark Risser, Shashank Subramanian, and Jared Willard


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Short summary
We use machine learning to create a massive database of simulated weather extremes. This database provides a large sample size, which is essential to characterize the statistics of extreme weather events and study their physical mechanisms. Also, such large simulations can be beneficial to accurately forecast the probability of low-likelihood extreme weather.