16 Sep 2024
 | 16 Sep 2024

Laminar gas inlet – Part 2: Wind tunnel chemical transmission measurement and modelling

Da Yang, Emmanuel Assaf, Roy Mauldin, Suresh Dhaniyala, and Rainer Volkamer

Abstract. Aircraft-based measurements of gas-phase species and aerosols provide crucial knowledge about the composition and vertical structure of the atmosphere, enhancing the study of atmospheric physics and chemistry. Unlike aircraft-based aerosol particle sampling systems, the gas loss mechanisms and transmission efficiency of aircraft-based gas sampling systems are rarely discussed. In particular, the gas transmission of condensable vapors through these sampling systems requires systematic study to clarify the key factors of gas loss and to predict and improve gas sampling efficiency quantitatively. An aircraft gas inlet for aircraft-based laminar sampling of condensable vapors is described in part 1 (Yang et al., 2024), which describes the inlet dimensions, flow analysis and modelling, along with initial gas transmission estimates. Here we test and characterize the complete inflight sampling system using for gas-phase measurements of 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 in a high-speed wind tunnel, and conduct detailed computer fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to assess inlet performance under a range of flight conditions. The gas transmission efficiency of 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 through different sampling lines was measured using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS), and the experimental results are reproduced by the CFD simulations of flow and mass diffusion using a mass accommodation coefficient, 𝛼𝑖 = 0.70 ± 0.05 for 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 on inlet lines. The experimental data and simulation results show consistently that gas transmission efficiency increases with an increased sampling flow rate. The simulation results further indicate that sampling efficiency can continue to improve to a certain level after the sampling flow enters the turbulent flow regime, up to Reynolds numbers, Re ~ 6000. A decrease in transmission is predicted only for higher Re numbers. These results challenge the widely held assumption that laminar flow core sampling is the best strategy for sampling condensable vapors. The gas-phase 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 transmission efficiency can be optimized (increased by a factor ~2) by minimizing residence time, rather than maintaining laminar flow; this benefit extends to other condensable vapors and applies over the full range of operating conditions of the aircraft inlet system. For a sticky species (𝛼𝑖 > 0.25), the laminar diffusivity is important to predict the transmission efficiency via the aircraft inlet section, while for less sticky species (𝛼𝑖 < 0.25) the gas-phase diffusivity plays a minor role in predicting the gas transmission efficiency in the sampling line.

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Da Yang, Emmanuel Assaf, Roy Mauldin, Suresh Dhaniyala, and Rainer Volkamer

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2390', Anonymous Referee #1, 08 Nov 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2390', Anonymous Referee #2, 11 Nov 2024
Da Yang, Emmanuel Assaf, Roy Mauldin, Suresh Dhaniyala, and Rainer Volkamer
Da Yang, Emmanuel Assaf, Roy Mauldin, Suresh Dhaniyala, and Rainer Volkamer


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Short summary
Sulfuric acid forms particles in the atmosphere, but the airborne sampling faces challenges due to vapor losses in inlet lines. An innovative aircraft sampling system to sample sulfuric acid from the sea surface into the lower stratosphere (0–15 km) is described and characterized. Our results challenge the widely held view that laminar core sampling is the best strategy to sample condensable vapors, and identify better strategies to sample condensable vapors.