20 Aug 2024
 | 20 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Exploring the ability of LSTM-based hydrological models to simulate streamflow time series for flood frequency analysis

Jean-Luc Martel, Richard Arsenault, Richard Turcotte, Mariana Castañeda-Gonzalez, François Brissette, William Armstrong, Edouard Mailhot, Jasmine Pelletier-Dumont, Simon Lachance-Cloutier, Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, and Louis-Philippe Caron

Abstract. An increasing number of studies have shown the prowess of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks for hydrological modelling and forecasting. One commonly cited drawback of these methods, however, is the requirement for large amounts of training data to properly reproduce streamflow events. For maximum annual streamflow, this can be problematic since they are by definition less common than mid- or low-flows, leading to under-representation in the model’s training set and, ultimately, parameterization. This study investigates six methods to improve peak streamflow simulation skill of LSTM models used to extend streamflow observation time series for flood frequency analysis (FFA). Methods include adding meteorological data variables, providing streamflow simulations from a distributed hydrological model, oversampling peak streamflow events, adding multihead attention mechanisms, adding data from a large set of “donor” catchments and combining some of these elements in a single model. Furthermore, results are compared to those obtained by the distributed hydrological model HYDROTEL. The study is performed on 88 catchments in the province of Quebec using a leave-one-out cross-validation implementation and an FFA is applied using observations as well as model simulations. Results show that LSTM-based models are able to simulate peak streamflow as well (for a simple LSTM model implementation) or better (with hybrid LSTM-hydrological model implementations) than the distributed hydrological model. Multiple pathways forward to further improve the LSTM-based model’s ability to predict peak streamflow are provided and discussed.

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Jean-Luc Martel, Richard Arsenault, Richard Turcotte, Mariana Castañeda-Gonzalez, François Brissette, William Armstrong, Edouard Mailhot, Jasmine Pelletier-Dumont, Simon Lachance-Cloutier, Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, and Louis-Philippe Caron

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2134', Emilio Graciliano Ferreira Mercuri, 21 Sep 2024 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Jean-Luc Martel, 07 Nov 2024 reply
Jean-Luc Martel, Richard Arsenault, Richard Turcotte, Mariana Castañeda-Gonzalez, François Brissette, William Armstrong, Edouard Mailhot, Jasmine Pelletier-Dumont, Simon Lachance-Cloutier, Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, and Louis-Philippe Caron

Data sets

HYSETS - A 14425 watershed Hydrometeorological Sandbox over North America R. Arsenault, F. Brissette, J. L. Martel, M. Troin, G. Lévesque, J. Davidson-Chaput, M. Castañeda Gonzalez, A. Ameli, and A. Poulin

Model code and software

LSTM for FFA - codes and data R. Arsenault, J.-L. Martel, and F. Brissette

Jean-Luc Martel, Richard Arsenault, Richard Turcotte, Mariana Castañeda-Gonzalez, François Brissette, William Armstrong, Edouard Mailhot, Jasmine Pelletier-Dumont, Simon Lachance-Cloutier, Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, and Louis-Philippe Caron


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Short summary
This study explores six methods to improve the ability of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks to predict peak streamflows, crucial for flood analysis. By enhancing data inputs and model techniques, the research shows LSTM models can match or surpass traditional hydrological models in simulating peak flows. Tested on 88 catchments in Quebec, Canada, these methods offer promising strategies for better flood prediction.