13 Aug 2024
 | 13 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Pluvial and compound flooding in a coupled coastal system modeling framework: New York City during post-tropical cyclone Ida (2021)

Shima Kasaei, Philip M. Orton, David K. Ralston, and John C. Warner

Abstract. Coastal-urban areas are highly vulnerable to extreme pluvial flooding exacerbated by limitations in stormwater system capacity and potentially compounded by storm surge, waves, and tides. Understanding and simulating these processes can improve prediction and flood risk management. Here, we improve the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) within the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport framework (COAWST) to simulate post-tropical cyclone Ida (2021) pluvial flooding for the Jamaica Bay watershed of New York City (NYC). We modify the model to capture the volumetric effects of rainfall and parameterize soil infiltration and a stormwater conveyance system as a drainage rate. We generate a spatially continuous flood map of Ida with RMS error of 28 cm when compared to high water marks, useful for understanding Ida’s impacts and subsequent mitigation planning. Results show that over 37.2 km2 of urban area in the watershed were deeply flooded (deeper than 0.3 m) during Ida. Sensitivity analyses are used to study the broader risk from events like Ida and compound flooding. Spatial shifting of the storm track within typical 12-hour forecast track uncertainty reveals a worst-case scenario that increases the deeply flooded area to 74.7 km2. Shifting Ida’s rainfall to coincide with high tide increases deeply flooded area by 0.3 km2, a relatively small change due to the lack of significant storm surge and the significant pluvial flood area. The application of COAWST to this storm event addresses a broader goal of developing the capability to model compound flooding by simultaneously representing coastal storm processes such as rain, tide, waves, erosion, and atmosphere-wave-ocean interactions. The sensitivity analysis results underscore the need for detailed flood risk assessments, showing that Ida, already NYC's worst rain event, could have been even more devastating with slight shifts in storm track.

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Shima Kasaei, Philip M. Orton, David K. Ralston, and John C. Warner

Status: open (until 08 Oct 2024)

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Shima Kasaei, Philip M. Orton, David K. Ralston, and John C. Warner
Shima Kasaei, Philip M. Orton, David K. Ralston, and John C. Warner


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Short summary
Coastal-urban areas are highly prone to flooding from rainfall, storm surge, and their combination. We improve a coastal model and use it to quantify flooding from Hurricane Ida in the Jamaica Bay watershed of NYC, creating a flood map and flooded area estimation. Experiments with shifted storm tracks and rainfall timing at high tide show that Ida, already the worst rainfall in NYC, could have been worse. This highlights the area's vulnerability and the need for thorough flood risk analysis.