29 Jul 2024
 | 29 Jul 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).

A Novel Model Hierarchy Isolates the Effect of Temperature-dependent Cloud Optics on Infrared Radiation

Ash Gilbert, Jennifer E. Kay, and Penny Rowe

Abstract. Clouds exert strong influences on surface energy budgets and climate projections. Yet, cloud physics is complex and often incompletely represented in models. For example, temperature-dependent cloud optics parameterizations are rarely incorporated into the radiative transfer models used for future climate projections. Prior work has shown that incorporating these optics in downwelling longwave radiation calculations results in increases of as much as 1.7 W m−2 for Arctic atmospheres. Here we examine whether implementing these optics in climate models leads to significant climate impacts. We use a novel methodology based on a hierarchy of models. In two-stream radiation and single-column models, incorporating temperature-dependent optical properties had a small impact (< 1 W m−2). Similarly, impacts were statistically insignificant on infrared radiation within freely evolving atmospheric model simulations. In contrast, there was a much larger effect (1–3 W m−2) from optics changes when the winds within our atmospheric model experiments were nudged towards reanalysis winds. This new application of wind-nudging experiments helped to isolate the effect from temperature-dependent cloud optics changes by reducing the internally generated atmospheric variability. In summary, we found a signal from temperature-dependent optics, but this effect is small compared to climate variability and didn't impact long term Arctic temperature trends. More broadly, this work demonstrates a new framework for assessing the climate importance of a physics change.

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Ash Gilbert, Jennifer E. Kay, and Penny Rowe

Status: open (extended)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2043', Anonymous Referee #1, 04 Oct 2024 reply
Ash Gilbert, Jennifer E. Kay, and Penny Rowe
Ash Gilbert, Jennifer E. Kay, and Penny Rowe


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Short summary
We developed a novel methodology for assessing whether a new physics parameterization should be added to a climate model based on its effect across a hierarchy of model complexities and time and spatial scales. Our study used this model hierarchy to evaluate the effect of a new cloud radiation parameterization on longwave radiation and determined that the parameterization should be added to climate radiation models, but its effect is not large enough to be a priority.